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Control Center
Control Center

Learn how to navigate Everflow Control Center.

Security: Network API Keys, API Whitelists & MFALearn how to manage multi-factor authentication, manage API keys for employee users, and how to manage API Whitelists for fraud mitigation.
Notification SettingsHow to manage and customize notification settings for Network Employees, Partner and Advertiser Users.
Scheduled ActionsThe process of scheduling updates in advance to Offer status, caps or revenue & payout
Default Billing SettingsHow to configure default billing settings for Advertisers and Partners.
Accessing Your Partner Signup Form URL & CustomizationCustomizing your signup form experience for new Partner applicants
Domain Registration ProcessFollow these steps to properly register Tracking and Conversion Domains.
Tracking and Conversion Domain ManagementManaging primary domains and domains for specific Offers and Partners.
Employee Management and Security GuideSetting up accounts, adding employees, managing notifications and Network Security
AlertsHow to set up and manage Alerts
Automated System Emails (Formerly Known As Email Templates)Email Templates are built in to your platform for automatically notifying Users when certain actions are completed in Everflow.
A Guide To RolesAllow and restrict access to specific platform permissions for different types of employee users
Ability to Hide Tracking, Smart and Impression Links in the Partner PortalRemoving partner visibility of tracking links in Partner portal
Passing Dynamic CPC/CPM Media Cost Through the Partner Tracking LinkEnabling your Partners to dynamically adjust their CPC/CPM Payouts through the Tracking Link.
Pre-Pop Data from Tracking Link to Advertiser's Landing PageHow to pass pre-populated data points in Partner Tracking Links to automatically fill landing page forms.
Billing SectionManage your Everflow account, update payment information, view invoices, and more.