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Accessing Your Partner Signup Form URL & Customization
Accessing Your Partner Signup Form URL & Customization

Customizing your signup form experience for new Partner applicants

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Updated - Feature Release 3.7.1 (January 2025):

  • Added Partner Sign Up Form Language setting (now you can choose from 12 languages, including Italian, German, Turkish, Russian, Chinese simplified, etc.)


The Partner Sign Up link provides an easy way for potential prospects to apply to join your Partner Program. You can use this link to promote your Partner program across your website, connections and social media. Interested prospects can apply to your program by filling out the details.

Short Video: How To Customize The Partner Signup Link

Finding the Partner Sign Up URL

  • Navigate to Control Center - Platform Configuration. The link to the public Partner Sign Up is on the General tab, in the Links section. You can access both your Partner Sign Up URLs here, and the login URLs for your team, Partners and Advertisers.

*Pro Tip*

Employee Users with the Partner Manager designation also have access to a Partner Signup link (Control Center - My Account > General / Partner Sign Up Link ) that will automatically list themselves as the Partner Manager for the applicant when the form is submitted. If your Partner Managers are responsible for recruiting their own new Partners, this is a very helpful tool.

Customizing the Signup Form

  • To edit the Affiliate/Partner Sign Up Page navigate to Control Center - Partner Configurations > General> Partner Sign Up Form Customization - Edit.

The General tab offers the following options:

Use External Sign Up URL – Allows you to use an external URL to host your Partner/Affiliate Sign Up Page outside of Everflow.

Customize Header – Allows you to add a custom HTML header to the Sign Up Page. This will be displayed at the top of the Affiliate/Partner Sign Up Page.

Customize Confirmation - Allows you to add a custom HTML message to the Confirmation Page. This will be displayed on the Confirmation Page that is shown after the Submit Application button is clicked.

Language - Choose the language of the sign-up form (English, Arabic, Chinese simplified, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, & Turkish).


Legal Entity Name

Company/Individual/Website Name - This will be the name of your new Partner. Please note that this label can be customized below using Company/Individual/Website Name Label. If Required is toggled to OFF, Everflow will use the provided First & Last Name of the applicant to create the Partner name when the application is submitted.


The following selections, when enabled, determine the settings default to in Partner UI:

  • Language

  • Timezone

  • Currency

Phone Number

Tax ID / VAT or SSN

Billing Details - Exposing this field will require your Partner to select one of the available options configured in the Default Billing Settings section.

Promotional Information - When enabled, your Partner will be asked to provide more details on how and where they will be promoting your Offers.

Note: Custom Sign Up fields can be included when Bulk Exporting Partner information. To export these fields, go to Partners > Export Partners, and select Signup fields.

Terms and Conditions

Short Video: How To Upload And Manage Terms & Conditions

The terms and conditions label allows you to edit the verbiage found next to the agreement checkbox.

Note: To add your Terms and Conditions to the Partner Sign Up application, you must add them in Control Center - Partner Configurations > Terms & Conditions.

Additional Information

Referral Code - You may instruct applicants to enter a specific value based on how they found the application

*Pro Tip* you can also add ?referral_code=ENTER_VALUE_HERE to the end of your signup URL, and that value will automatically be passed into the Referral Code field

Describe the sites and methods used to advertise

Fields - A variety of input fields are available so that you may ask questions very specific to your program, and set validation rules around the responses provided by the applicant. A preview of the field will populate below the Custom Field allowing you to view your new field before saving.


Additional Sections

If you have Custom Fields you would like to group together, you may add an Additional Section to house your Custom Fields. In the example below, we have created an Additional Section dedicated to social media profiles.

Auto Approval Tab

When Auto Approve Partners is turned ON, your Partner applications will be automatically approved once their email has been successfully verified. To utilize this functionality you MUST enable Email Verification.

As part of this automated approval process, you can automatically send the Partner their tracking links using the Partner Application Approved email template. To do so, please follow the two steps below.

  • Select the Offers you wish to expose automatically to your new Partner.

  • Edit your Partner Signup Approval email template to include the following macro: {{offerCreativeDetails}}

    **IMPORTANT: No tracking links or offer details will be sent to the Partner without this step!

  • To access this template, you may use the link at the bottom of the Auto Approval section or navigate to Control Center > Email Templates > Partner Signup Approval.

Managing Partner Applications

When Auto Approval is NOT enabled:

There are several ways to access the new Pending application:

Within the UI, navigate to the list of pending Partners by selecting Partners - Manage > Pending.

From the pending records section, you may check the box to the left of the Partner(s), and use the drop down to approve/reject them individually or in bulk, or click the vertical dots on the far right of any row to approve/reject individually.

Another method is by being notified of a new Partner Sign up via email.

Under Control Center - My Account > Notifications > Partners, enable the email notification for New Partner Signup. When enabled you will receive an email each time a new Partner signs up to your program, with a link to their details.

If you wish to view the application submission info before making an approval decision, please click on the name of the Partner from the Pending view, and use the Approve/Reject buttons at the top of the screen.

Partner Signup Email Verification

When Auto Approval + Email Verification IS enabled:

  • In the Global Settings card on the Control Center - Platform Configuration > General tab, you will see an option to Enable Partner Email Verification. Edit the Global Settings to Enable or Disable this feature.

  • When enabled, this feature will require potential Affiliates/Partners to verify their email addresses after submitting the Partner Signup form. This will cause the potential Partner’s application to go to a new Unverified tab of the Partners - Manage section. From here you can click on the three dots to the far right to either Resend email or Bypass verification.

When the potential Partner submits their application they will receive an email at the email address they entered and confirmed on their application, which will ask them to verify their email via a verification link.

Once their email address has been verified, the potential Partner will move to the Pending tab where you can Approve or Reject their application. Bypassing verification will also move them to the Pending tab.

**Please note: If Auto Approval is Enabled, the Global Settings for Enable Partner Email Verification will be Enabled by default and cannot be Disabled.

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