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Getting Started - Partner Setup
Getting Started - Partner Setup

It should be easy to set up a Partner - with Everflow, it is.

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over 10 months ago

Updated - Feature Release 3.4.1 (October 2023): Internal Notes are now displayed in the Basis tab of the General card of the partner page for greater visibility [Click Here]

Table of Contents


Setting up a new Partner/Affiliate should be easy. With Everflow, we have made it simple. With this how-to guide, you will learn the most efficient way to correctly add a Partner.

For a guide that will help you set up Partner postbacks and how to troubleshoot them, please [Click Here].

Check Out Email Templates!

Check out the Email Templates feature to explore built-in communications for automatically notifying users when certain actions, such as Account Activation, Partner Signup and Partner Signup Approval, are completed in Everflow.

Partners, Publishers, Affiliates, or Influencers

In Everflow, a partner can also be called a publisher, an affiliate, or an Influencer. By default, we use the word Partners to represent any source or channel that you want to track for promoting your Offers. They will receive the Tracking Link for your Offer and send Users to that link, with the goal of driving successful Conversions.

There are two ways to create a new Partner:

  • You can add them in manually

  • You can have them sign up through your Partner sign up page

Manually Adding Partners

  • Navigate to Partners - Add. Continue by filling out each section, starting with General.

1: General

  • Name - Name of the Partner

  • Designate an Partner Manager - to learn more on how to create Network users: [Click Here]

  • Designate an Account Executive (select N/A if you don't want to add this)

  • Select a Status (Active/Inactive/Pending)

  • Select the currency that will be displayed in the Partner UI

  • Enable/Disable if Partner can receive in-app or email notifications when changes to approved Offers are made

  • Enable/Disable CPC/CPM Dynamic Payouts for Partner to pull in media cost to replace the Payout: [Click Here]

  • Partner Tiers allows you to manage Payouts and Approval in bulk. This is optional: [Click Here]

  • Labels are optional and can be used in reporting, search and filters.

  • Traffic Source allows you to select a template for the partner’s link. This is optional: [Click Here]

  • Internal Notes are completely customizable and displayed for additional information about the partner.

Click Next.

2: Address

  • Enable/Disable to show Partner's Address. This will be used on Invoices if enabled.

  • Click Next.

3: Billing

[Click Here] for more details on Invoices and Billing

  • Billing frequency allows you to select how often invoices are generated and the exact start day of each billing period

  • Select the Payment method you will use to pay the Partner

  • Taxes Details is not a required field

  • Enable/Disable Auto Invoicing for invoices to be automatically generated based on frequency and delay settings

  • Payment terms is the number of days which the invoice needs to be paid after the last day of the billing cycle. Also known as Net payment terms

  • Enable/Disable hide invoices from Partners within the Partner UI

  • Click Next.

4: iOS App Sources

This section is for SKAdNetwork compliancy. The iOS App Source is the item identifier of the app that displayed the ad, that matches:

You may associate a Partner with multiple Source App IDs. Simply add the numerical IDs.

  • Click Next.

5: Users

  • When creating a new Partner, you can add a User by setting the "Add User" option to "On" (optional). This will display a form which you can use to create the User.

  • Enter First/Last Name

  • Select their Status (Active/Inactive/Pending)

  • Add their Email

  • Select language. Only English, Spanish, and Russian are currently available for the Partner Portal

  • Select a Timezone

  • Add Currency

  • You can also select to send the User their password manually or automatically via email

**Pro Tip: After 25 unsuccessful login attempts, the user will have to wait 10 minutes before being allowed to try again.

  • Click Save.

Adding Partners via Sign Up Page

For more information on how to access your Partner Signup page and to learn how you can customize it, please [Click Here].

Please note: If you add your own T&Cs to the signup page - it will automatically replace the Everflow Platform T&Cs.

Approving Your Partner

After a potential partner completes and submits their information through the Sign Up Page, you'll need to decide whether to approve or reject their partnership request.

To approve or reject a partner request, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the navigation menu and click on "Partner" > "Manage".

2. Navigate to the "Pending" tab.

Select one or more Partner requests you want to Approve, Reject, or Edit.

Alternatively, you can use the hamburger menu (three stacked dots) on the far right side of each request to take action.

From the "Pending" tab, you can easily review and manage all incoming partner requests. Once approved, the partner will be able to access the platform and collaborate with you.

Congratulations! You have added your first Partner!

Now that you have your Partner ready to go, the next step is making sure your Partner has access to your data. If they only need to receive data inside their account, then they are now completely set up and can log in via the User information you created for them. If they want to receive data back via postback, please [Click Here].

How To Impersonate A Partner

In the case that you need to help a Partner troubleshoot, you can access the Partner Portal and experience the UI from your their perspective.

Watch A Short Video

Navigate to Partners - Manage. Then, click the vertical dots on the far right of the desired row and select Impersonate.

By default, you will be impersonating the first active user created.

To impersonate a specific user, navigate to Partners - Manage and click the name of the Partner. Click the Users tab, then click the vertical dots on the far right of the desired user and select Impersonate.

4 Highlights on Recruiting Affiliates from our Fireside Chat with Publisher Discovery

Recruiting the right partners can be one of the most challenging aspects to building a scalable affiliate program. Nailing this process could be what turns a decent program into a thriving one.

We sat down with Chris Tradgett, CMO of Publisher Discovery, to open our series of October Fireside Chats with his shared expertise on what it takes to get this right.

  1. Focus on a sustainable, long-tail game.

  2. Publisher diversification is paramount.

  3. Identify your “normal.”

  4. Use social media!

Note: For information about Customer Training Sessions - [Click Here]

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