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Getting Started - Partner Postbacks
Getting Started - Partner Postbacks

Partner Postbacks - What you need to know to get started.

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over 6 months ago

Updated - Feature Release 3.4.5 (February 2024)

  • You can now receive reporting for all failed Partner Postbacks instead of just the previous standard 25.

Updated - Feature Release 3.4.2 (November 2023):

  • Introduced a Delay Postback feature that allows server postbacks to be fired with a delay (configured in milliseconds, seconds, or minutes) up to 5 minutes [Click Here]

  • Added ability to bulk edit for changing status to Deleted [Click Here]

Updated - Hotfix 3.3.0 (May 2023):

  • After 25 failed attempts due to error on the Partner's platform to fire a postback, the postback will be automatically disabled [Click Here]

Updated - Hotfix 3.2.0 (March 2023):

  • Global setting allows networks to expose sale_amount in the Partner UI [Click Here]

  • Filter added for Delivery Method in Partners - Postbacks [Click Here]

Table of Contents


This guide will help you set up Partner Postbacks and teach you how to troubleshoot common issues.

For a cheat sheet on how to setup Partner Postbacks from a variety of third-party platforms - [Click Here]

What is a Partner Postback? 

Similar to your Advertiser postback, but for your Partners. In this case, they are also creating their own Click ID from their side when a User clicks on your tracking link, so you are able to credit Partners for the business they refer. 


A Partner postback can be added or edited from your Portal or the Partner Portal.

  • To remove a Partner's ability to update their own postbacks, navigate to Control Center - Configuration > Global Settings card.

  • Click Edit and turn off the following option:

A Step-By-Step Guide

Step #1: Choose Partner

  • To see the list of Partner postbacks, select Partners, then Postbacks in the drop down menu.

Step #2: Filter Data and Add/Subtract Columns

  • You can filter the list by Active, Inactive and All, and customize the columns displayed.

Step #3: Add New Postbacks

  • You can add a new postback by clicking [+ Postback]. After clicking that button it will take you to this page:

Postback Status: Active means that the status is active. Inactive means that the status is paused.

Description: Provide a description of the postback.

Postback Type:

  • Conversion (base) is the first conversion action

  • Event is a secondary conversion action

  • CPC (Cost Per Click) is the postback type for a CPC offer. When implementing a CPC Postback, the Base Conversion must be set up with a CPC Payout. Additional Events are not required for CPC Payouts.

Note: CPC Partner Postbacks are not visible in standard reporting. To confirm if a CPC postback was fired, please contact the customer success team for verification.

Postback Level:

  • Global (offer) is for firing the postback on all conversions (or events) for that offer

  • Global is for firing the postback for that Partner on any offer they are sending traffic to

  • Specific is for a specific Offer and specific Partner.

Delivery Method:

  • HTML

    • image pixel

    • iframe pixel

  • Postback is a server-to-server (S2S) postback

    • Please note with the server postback method, there is an option to Delay Postback which allows the postback to be fired to the partner with a delay up to 5 minutes. This delay can be configured in milliseconds, seconds or minutes.

Step #4: Click ID and Other Parameters

  • When you add a postback URL here, you need to ensure you have a spot to pass back the click ID. Without this, the postback will not work.

  • You need to map the click ID from the tracking link and enter it as a macro in Everflow. 

An example of this would be:

Partner Postback URL:{sub1}

Partner Tracking Link:

**Pro Tip: If you are using &currency= in the partner postback, place it as the first parameter/macro in the postback to prevent symbols from breaking the postback.

If you would like to find out how to fire additional data to and from these URLs - [Click Here]

Step #5: View and Edit Postbacks

  • After you add the postback, you will be able to view it here (Partners > Postbacks). You can use the filter button to narrow down your view by Delivery Method, Offer, or Partner.

  • Click the vertical dots to Edit, Test, Delete, or see History.

Please Note:

A postback that fails due to an error from the Partner’s platform will be attempted to fire no more than 25 times. If delivery is still unsuccessful after 25 attempts, the Partner’s Postback is automatically disabled. If that Postback is "Global", then the Partner/Advertiser Manager will receive a daily notification of all postbacks that have been disabled for this reason, noting the Pixel ID.

To locate the pixel in Everflow:

  • Navigate to Partners > Partner Postback

  • Then search for the Pixel ID.

  • To verify the server response on a Pixel ID from the Partner's platform, navigate to Reporting > Partner Postback.

  • Then, click the vertical dots at the end of the row and select View Debug Info.

Exposing Sale Amount To Partners

A global setting now allows you to determine whether or not the sale amount can be passed in partner postbacks. By default, this setting is turned off.

When enabled, and {sale_amount} or {amount} is passed with the conversion or event, Partners will be able to see the sale amount associated with the conversion or event, both in their partner postbacks and in Reporting.

  • Navigate to Control Center - Configuration.

  • Click Edit on the Global Settings tab, and use the toggle to adjust the following setting: Expose Sale Amount to Partner

Testing Postbacks

Now that you have placed your Partner postback, we recommend testing the tracking process from start to finish to ensure it is working properly with your Partner. Once testing is complete, you are all set to launch!

For instructions on testing your Partner's postback - [Click Here]

Managing Postbacks

Navigate to Partners - Postbacks to see an overview of all the implemented postbacks.

Bulk Edit: Status = Deleted

Need to bulk edit the status of multiple postbacks at once?

  • Use the checkboxes to select the postbacks for which you would like to change the status.

  • Click the Actions dropdown to select Set as Deleted.

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