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Employee Management and Security Guide
Employee Management and Security Guide

Setting up accounts, adding employees, managing notifications and Network Security

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over a month ago


This article walks you through navigating your account preferences, setting up user accounts for your employees, and provides resources for additional network security.

My Account

My Account

This menu is now available when clicking on the person icon on the bottom left. This includes your personal information, as well as a link to change your password.
API keys are not visible in your account for security reasons.

If you are a Partner or Advertiser manager, you will also see a Partner/Advertiser signup link that will automatically list a new Partner/Advertiser signup under you, provided their application is accepted.

My Notification Preferences

This section is to view and modify your notification settings.

Select the toggle to the right of the action that represents your desired delivery methods.

Setting Up Employee Accounts

Navigate to Control Center - Accounts.

This is where you can create, delete and manage the access of employees by setting their roles and other permissions. Only Super Users are able to add new user employee accounts.

Who is a Super User? Scroll right to see the Super User column to see which users are indicated by "YES".

Super User Access

To enable Super User access for a user account:

  • If there are no users with "super user" access on your account, then you must contact the Customer Success team at or via live chat

  • Users with "super user" access may enable "super user" access for other users on the account

To revoke "super user" access from a user account:

Partner/Advertiser Manager Access

Partner Manager - If Global access is selected, the Partner Manager can see stats for all other Partners that are not assigned to them. If Limited is chosen, the Stats in their reports will be for their own Partners only.

Default Partner/Advertiser Manager - This setting assigns the employee as manager for new Partners and/or Advertisers when the sign-up link is used. Please note that there can only be one default Partner/Advertiser manager for each Everflow account.

Managing Employee Permissions (i.e. Roles)

Navigate to Control Center - Accounts > Roles.

This is where you'll define your user's access to sections of the platform.

Users with both Super User status AND role management permissions can create new roles for any Employee type. With these dual requirements met, they can manage which left side menu items are visible to the Employee (e.g. If you didn't have access to Roles, and then were granted Super User permissions, you still don’t have access to Roles unless your status was adjusted).

Sections of the UI can be hidden for sensitivity reasons, or to simplify the dashboard of a user with a very narrow focus.

When creating your Role, you will see a menu asking you to select whether the permission should include the ability to edit and make changes (Full Access), or the permission is to simply view the section (Read Only).

For a detailed guide on Roles - [Click Here]

Watch A Short Video: How To Add Roles To Your Everflow Account

Employee Account History Log

  • Navigate to Control Center - Accounts - History tab
    History is where you can view any modifications made within the platform by specific employees and timeframe.

Best Practices for Employee & Network Security

This section will review default security features, as well as optional tools that can be enabled by request.

Your login password and API Key are extremely confidential and need to be protected and stored securely.

Password Protection

Passwords must have at least eight characters, and include at least one letter and one number. Passwords are hashed and salted, and are never stored in plain text, so it is impossible to access any password from Everflow servers.

Password Recommendations:

  1. Create a password that is unique to Everflow, instead of one that you use for other platforms

  2. Use special characters

If you believe that a password may have been compromised, please reset the password immediately by using the “Forgot Password” button on the login page, or by navigating to My Account. A Network User with Super User privileges can reset the password of any Network User.

API Keys

For a guide on managing API keys - [Click Here]

We strongly recommend applying an IP whitelist, which ensures API calls can ONLY be made from the IP addresses on the whitelist. You can manage your own IPs whitelist by navigating to Control Center > Security > API Whitelist section.

For detailed instructions on adding an API Whitelist - [Click Here]

Security Features

Everflow offers built-in login security tools, either accessible through the UI or enabled upon request.

MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)

This feature is accessible through the UI. Once enabled, users will be asked to download the Google Authenticator App (available for Android and iOS) or opt-in to SMS verification. Each time a User logs in, they will be required to enter the code from the Authenticator or SMS.

For more detailed instructions on enabling MFA - [Click Here]

To enable MFA for Partners and/or Advertisers, please reach out to the Customer Success team.

New Browser Detection Notification

When a login from a new browser is detected in the Network Portal, an email notification is sent to the user. This feature is enabled by default, but can be turned off by navigating to My Account > My Notification Preferences section > Security section.

New Network API Key Notification

When a new network API key is created, an email is sent to network administrators.

Review Employee User Access

This task includes deactivating old employee accounts, having employees look through their login logs for any anomalies, and to view their History for any API access anomalies.

For detailed instructions on reviewing employee access - [Click Here]

We recommend doing this on a quarterly basis.

Login Timeout

After 5 unsuccessful login attempts, the user will have to wait 10 minutes before being allowed to try again.

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