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Scheduled Actions

The process of scheduling updates in advance to Offer status, caps or revenue & payout

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over a week ago

Updated - Feature Release 3.5.0 (February 2024):

  • Added separate (previously available in Control Center) sections titled "Integrations" and "Automation" (Scheduled Actions, Alerts, & Webhooks) in the main navigation menu (accessed through the hamburger menu icon).

Updated - Feature Release 3.4.2 (November 2023): Now supporting revenue/payout changes based on specific variables variables [Click Here]

Updated - Feature Release 3.3.0 (May 2, 2023): Added the ability to schedule Forwarding Rules [Click Here]

Table of Contents

A How-To Guide

Step #1

  • To access this feature, go to Automation - Scheduled Actions.

  • Here is the list of configured Scheduled Actions. You can click the vertical dots at the end of any row to View. When a Scheduled Action has been scheduled for the future, but not yet executed, the status will read "Pending".

  • Once completed, the status will read "Processed". The toggle bar on the far right allows you to edit/delete any pending Scheduled Actions, or view details for those already processed.

Step #2

  • To add a new Scheduled Action, use the [+ Action] button in the top left of the Scheduled Actions view.

Step #3

  • You are now on the page that allows you to choose which Scheduled Action you would like to create, in the following categories:

    • Offer Status

    • Offer Creative Status

    • Offer Caps

    • Change base payout/revenue for offers

    • Offer Group Caps

    • Offer Forwarding Rules

Step #4

  • Once you have selected the option best suited to your needs, fill in all the relevant details, and Save.

    • Action Date/Time (the dropdown underneath the calendar allow you to select a time, down to the minute)

    • Timezone

    • Internal Notes

    • Whether you will allow Partners to be notified at the time the action is scheduled

    • Whether you will allow Partners to be notified at the time the action is executed

    • Selected Offers (those you wish to apply the desired action to)

    • Selected Partners (if you wish to apply actions to specific Partners)

    • New Cap values (when applicable)

    • Override Base Revenue and/or Base Payout (when applicable)

    • Override Action Revenue and/or Action Payout (when applicable)

Please Note: Partners will receive a notification when the action is scheduled regarding when the action will take effect, followed by an additional notification when the action has been executed, unless the corresponding settings (shown above) are disabled.


Example #1: Activate Offers

  • [+ Action] > Activate Offers > Select Date and Time > Select Timezone > Select Offers > Save.

Example #2: Change caps for offers and partners

  • [+ Action] > Change caps for Offer(s) and Partner(s) > Select Date and Time > Select Timezone > Select Offers > Select Partners > Select the new cap to be applied to all selected Offers and Partners > Save.

Example #3: Change base payout for offer and partner (based on specific sub1 value)

  • [+ Action] > Change base revenue/payout for offers and partners > Select Date and Time > Select Offers > Select Partners > Override Base Payout > Next > Enable Variables > Select Variable and Comparison Method > Enter Value > Add.

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