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eCommerce Brand: Custom Revenue & Payout
eCommerce Brand: Custom Revenue & Payout

Using Custom Settings to set Revenue and Payouts based on criteria specific to your brand's use case.

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over a week ago


Custom Settings can be used to customize payouts, caps, landing pages, and creative assets for desired use-cases.

This guide will be based on the example outlined below, so it will cover Custom Revenue & Payout.

For a more extensive guide to Custom Settings - [Click Here]


Let's say you run an eCommerce shop for your clothing brand, and your brand just launched an app last month!

You have decided to set Partner Payouts for influencers according to the number of followers they have:

Less than 5,000 followers = 10% of Revenue

5,001 - 20,000 followers = 15% of Revenue

More than 20,001 followers = 20% of Revenue

Since your brand just recently launched an app on iOS and Android, you want to reward your partners for driving shoppers who are candidates for an app download.

For this reason, this Custom Payout will only be applied to conversions from iOS or Android, not from a Mac, PC, etc.

Oh, and due to shipping constraints, users must be in the continental US to receive this Custom Revenue & Payout setting. Conversions from Alaska and Hawaii will be assigned the default Payout & Revenue.

See our How-To Guide for setting this up below.

A How-To Guide

  • Before getting started on the Custom Settings, navigate to the Offer.

  • Go to Offers - Manage, and then click on the name of the Offer.

Step #1

  • Click the Custom Settings tab.

Step #2

  • Click Add under Custom Revenue & Payout.

Step #3

  • Fill in the required and desired fields, then configure the Revenue and Payout amounts.

    For more info about Offer Revenue & Payout - [Click Here]

    • In this case, the Base Revenue Type is RPS (Revenue Per Sale) with % Revenue Per Sale set to 100%. This means that the Custom Revenue applied will equal 100% of the conversion's sale amount.

    • In this case, the Base Payout Type is PRV (% of Revenue) with % of Revenue set to 20%. This means that the Custom Payout applied will equal 20% of the conversion's revenue amount (which will equal 100% of the conversion's sale amount.)

  • Turn on the toggle for Apply to specific partner(s). Since the Custom Revenue & Payout settings are based on the number of followers each Partner has, you will need to manually assign partners to the desired Custom Setting.

  • Repeat this step until all 3 Custom Payouts have been entered.

Step #4

  • Click the Targeting tab. Here, you can narrow down further the cases in which the Custom Revenue/Payout is applied.

    In this example, we are including only traffic from Android and iOS in the United States, and are excluding traffic from Alaska and Hawaii.

    Please Note: These settings will not have any impact on the Offer targeting rules. If this Offer was targeting AU and NZ, but did not include US, then this custom payout would never take effect. The Custom Settings targeting rules need to be a subset of the Offer targeting rules.

Step #5

  • You've agreed with your influencer Partners that they would identify their verified traffic with an additional value (influencer_promo) passed as the Sub1 variable. If the conversion does not contain this value, the Custom Revenue/Payout will not be applied.

  • Click the Variables tab. Here, you can specify certain values that must be passed in order for the Custom Revenue/Payout to be applied.

Step #6

  • If you want this Custom Revenue/Payout setting to be associated with a Price Per Product configuration, click the Products tab. This is where you can set up your Price Per Product settings.

    For a detailed guide on setting up Price Per Product/SKU - [Click Here]

  • Remember to click Add.

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