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How to set up and manage Alerts

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over 11 months ago

Updated - Feature Release 3.5.0 (February 2024):

  • Added separate (previously available in Control Center) sections titled "Integrations" and "Automation" (Scheduled Actions, Alerts, & Webhooks) in the main navigation menu (accessed through the hamburger menu icon).

Updated - Hotfix 3.4.4 (January 2024): Added new “Total Events” metric under Condition Type for Alerts.

Updated - Hotfix 3.3.0 (June 2023): 'Unique Clicks' added as Condition Type [Click Here]

Table of Contents


In Everflow, you can set up Alerts that activate when the specified thresholds and KPIs are reached and send notifications to team members, Partners, and Advertisers.

Watch A Short Video: How To Set Up And Manage Alerts

You can set up and manage alerts by going to Automation - Alerts.

How To Create An Alert

Step 1.

Add Alert.

  • Click the + Alert button to set up a new Alert.

Step 2.

In the General tab, set the delivery options and recipients for the Alert.

  • You can set up the the following in the General tab:

    • In-app: Enable notifications to appear inside the Everflow platform.

    • Email: Send Alert notifications via email. Once enabled, you are able to define Additional Recipients.

      • Additional Recipients: Add in additional emails, per line, you would like to receive the notifications (these recipients can be external to your organization).

    • Notify All: Select all employee user email addresses. Once enabled, you may remove email addresses from the receivable list.

    • Available (Employees): Search and add specific employee's to be notified of this Alert.

Step 3.

Set rules for the Target & Conditions.

  • Target: Select whether you want this Alert KPI threshold based on metrics from your Advertisers, Offers or Partners.

    • Use Secondary Target: When enabled, both the Primary Target and the Secondary Target Type requirements must be met in order for the Alert notification to be sent.

  • Lifespan: Time frame and frequency of the Alert.

    • Lookback Window: This is the period of data used for determining if the Alert’s conditions were met.

      • Example: If set to 24 hours, with the Condition of CVR > 3%, it will send an Alert for any Target delivering a >3% CVR over the last 24 hour period.

    • Notification Frequency: How often selected employees/emails will receive the Alert notification.

  • Conditions: Set the KPI threshold rules to trigger an Alert.

    • Condition Evaluation Type: When there are multiple Conditions, set the Alert to trigger when all conditions have been met or whenever any of the conditions are met.

    • Condition Type: The KPI you want used for the threshold

      • Examples: CVR (Conversion Rate), Impressions, Payouts, Unique Clicks, etc.

    • Threshold: Minimum / maximum threshold amount for the Alert to be triggered. The value of the Threshold is based on the Condition Type.

      • Example: If CVR is selected, the threshold is a % number. If Revenue is selected, the threshold is a monetary value.

  • Alert Preview: Displays the Alert Targeting & Conditions rules in a simple to read format.

Managing Alerts

  • You have the option on manage each alert by clicking on the vertical dots at the end of the row:

    • Edit: Change any General or Target & Condition of an Alert.

    • Subscribe to In App Notifications

    • Subscribe to Email Notifications

    • Delete

  • Please note: Employees need Role permission under Control Center - Alerts to manage their own Alerts.

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