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Want To Track And Gain Insights On Actions Beyond Your Main Base Conversion? Here's How!
Want To Track And Gain Insights On Actions Beyond Your Main Base Conversion? Here's How!

Manage multiple Conversion types with Offers & Events and set up Reporting.

Dasha Shareyko avatar
Written by Dasha Shareyko
Updated over a week ago

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Understanding the customer journey across multiple touchpoints both digital and physical proves challenging even for the savviest marketers. Not to mention, making sense of all the Conversions and setting them up for success.

In this article, we explain the different ways to set up a "Conversion" (either as an Offer or Event), various use cases, and distinguish between your "Main Conversion Action" (or "Base Conversion") and other actions that can be considered as "Additional Conversion Actions."

Base Conversion (Main Conversion Action) is the main goal of the Offer that is used to payout Partners, track performance, etc.

​​Example: This Conversion is the primary goal of your Offer. It can be anything from a lead submit, app install, or product purchase.

Additional Conversion Actions (Additional Events) are any extra tracked actions that usually happen before or after Base Conversion.

Example: If Lead Submit is your Base Conversion, Additional Event can be anything from Event and Purchase, or even Subscription.

Additional Events are managed within the Offer view and allow you to track things happening in addition to the "Base" Conversion, whether they happen before or after.

But how should you set up your Conversions? Let's look through some popular use cases.

Do you have one brand or one website that sells multiple products?

For most brands with a single website, we recommend setting up one core Offer representing your main Conversion action or purchase Event. There is no need to create multiple Offers per product when using Everflow's ecommerce integration, as product information like SKUs and names get passed automatically with each transaction.

We recommend checking our Offer Setup Guide to learn more.


There are multiple ways to track the performance of your Base Conversion. We will use the Offer Report as one of the most suitable examples.

The Offer Report provides you with a breakdown of your performance by Offer and the Partners promoting that Offer.

  • Navigate to Reporting - Offer.

  • First, enter the date range and any relevant filters, such as Offer or Account Manager, that your report should consider.

  • Use the Metrics Filters to limit your report to data based on thresholds you set. In the example shown, only Offers with more than 1000 clicks would be included in the report.

  • Save your filters, then click Run Report.

Do you have one landing page or offer but multiple actions you’d like to track?

Hint: Offer-specific Events are typically used by E-comm clients that have a single landing page or Offer. They can be used to track Conversions and Events directly associated with that specific Offer’s performance.

Offer-level Events are especially relevant for brands that have multiple purchase options (one-time purchases, bundles, subscriptions, etc.).

Setting Up Multiple Offer Level Events

Additional Events (Additional Conversion Actions) are managed within the Offer view and allow you to track things happening in addition to the "Base" Conversion, whether they happen before or after. They could be things such as "Purchase", "Registration", "Sale", etc. Each Event is basically treated as a separate Conversion with its own Postback. Specifically, they are found in the "Revenue & Payout" section.

To set up your Additional Events, navigate to the following articles: Adding Additional Events and Bulk Edit for Offers and Partners.

Reporting (Event Reports)

The most common way to track Additional Events (yet certainly not the only one) is through Everflow's Event Reporting. This allows you to break down performance data by specific Event for each Offer.

From here you can:

  • Filter by date range, parent/child Offers, and other parameters like Event name

  • Customize the view with pivots and multiple breakdowns

  • See performance metrics for each event such as Clicks, CVR, Revenue, Payout, Profit, etc.

Event Reporting provides flexible analysis so you can surface key insights per event across offers.

Read more about Reporting and Analytics [Here].

For general information regarding reporting options, navigation and customization of Reports - [Click Here]

Do you have a CRM like Hubspot or Salesforce and multiple Offers or do you have several offers where you aim to track the same events?

So, what if there is an “Additional Event” (Additional Conversion Action) that you are using for multiple Offers?

Good news - you don't have to set up hundreds of Events for each Offer. You just need to use Advertiser Level Events.

Advertiser Level Events become essential when integrating Everflow with CRMs like HubSpot or Salesforce to match Conversions to customer lifecycle stages. They enable uniform tracking of an Event across multiple Offers when preferred over individual Offer IDs.

For example, a brand running multiple campaigns could make an "Account Registration" event at the Advertiser Level. Then the Conversion script only needs to be set up once centrally, versus separately for each landing page and Offer.

This global Event would then track registrations in aggregate across the Advertiser’s profile, saving tedious one-off setup work per Offer.

Advertiser Events roll up data in one place, ideal for Brands managing multiple Conversions and Offers in Everflow. It allows for simplified tracking of actions like registrations, sales, retention events, in-app purchases, etc.

Hint: This simplified tracking can be especially helpful if you also connect Everflow to your CRM like Hubspot or Salesforce to automatically sync up customer stages.

We recommend checking our Creating & Assigning Advertiser Level Events article for more details.

Reporting (Advertiser Event Report)

To view Advertiser Level Events, the Pivot must be set to "Advertiser Event." From here you can:

  • Filter by date range, parent Advertiser, and other parameters like Event name

  • Customize the view with multiple breakdowns

  • See performance metrics for each Event such as Clicks, CVR, Revenue, Payout, Profit, etc.

  • For the Parent breakdown, you should select Advertiser level.

Don't see your use case?

Choosing the right setup to track your Conversions and understanding the difference between a “Base” and “Additional” conversion are key to your success. In this article, we covered the main options:

  • Setting Up An Offer (Base Conversion) when you have one brand/website.

  • Offer Level Events (Additional Events) to drill into a specific campaign or product funnel with multiple Offers.

  • Advertiser Level Events (Additional Events) to track broader actions across multiple Offers with simplified implementation (especially if you have a CRM).

As you look to put these methods into practice, feel free to reach out if any questions come up! Our team is always happy to provide guidance to ensure you get the most out of Everflow's flexible tracking and reporting.

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