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List of Reporting & Analytics Options
List of Reporting & Analytics Options

Complete list of reports with links to detailed articles

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over a week ago


For general information regarding reporting options, navigation and customization of reports - [Click Here]

Offer - Performance per Offer; drill down by Partner

Partner - Performance per Partner; drill down by Offer

Advertiser - Performance per Advertiser; drill down by Offer

Smart Link - Performance per Smart Link; drill down by Offer

Daily - Performance per day

Hourly - Performance per hour

Impression - Detailed data per Impression

Click - Detailed data per Click

Conversion - Detailed data per Conversion

Event - Performance per Event, broken down by Offer

Pacing - Percentage of Caps (Custom, Offer-Level, Offer Group) used

Click To Conversion Time - Amount of time (shown in intervals) between initial click and conversion per Offer; drill down by Partner

Partner Postback - Detail per postback fired to Partners

Advertiser Postback - Detail per postback received from Advertisers

Partner Referrals - Referral commission earned by each Partner

Products - Performance per SKU

Refunds - Requires integration with WooCommerce, ClickFunnels, and/or Shopify.

Conversion Imports - Add conversions manually here

Saved & Scheduled - Manage your saved and scheduled reports, or request a report that is too large to load in the Portal


For a detailed guide to options found under Analytics - [Click Here]

Dimensional - Review different metrics in one view and break down your view around a selected data point

Flex - A pivot table in which you may group and slice data by selecting one or more columns

Dynamic Nested - View two layers of data, of your choosing, in one nested view.

Cohort - See how two metrics relate to each other over a certain period of time

Redirect - If using the Fail Traffic feature, see which Offer sent failed clicks to a subsequent Offer and the performance of those clicks

Variance - Easily compare the performance of two different time periods on data points

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