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Refunds Report

This article describes how to use the refunds report for WooCommerce, ClickFunnels, and Shopify.

Irina Sergushina avatar
Written by Irina Sergushina
Updated over a week ago


The Refunds Report requires an integration with WooCommerce, ClickFunnels, and/or Shopify.

  • Shopify - You must have our app installed on your store. See our integration guide for details - [Click Here]

  • WooCommerce - You must sign into your Wordpress site through Everflow on the WooCommerce integrations page.

  • ClickFunnels - You must have our webhook in place on the funnel you wish to count the refunds for.

Report Overview

  • Navigate to Reporting - Refunds.

  • Date Range: This references the "Refund Date" in the report.

  • Filters: Filter by Partner(s), Offer(s), and Advertiser(s).

  • Add/Remove Columns: Be sure the Refund Amount column is selected.

*Please note that partial refunds will appear separately:

  • You can search by SKU, Order ID or Transaction ID.

  • Click the vertical dots on the end of a row for more options associated with the refund.

  • To approve or reject a conversion, use the checkbox and select either Approve or Reject.

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