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Partner Referrals

Recruit potential customers to your program and earn referral fees

Dasha Shareyko avatar
Written by Dasha Shareyko
Updated over a month ago

Updated - Hotfix 3.2.0 (April 2023): Referral Report has been reorganized and updated with additional data points [Click Here]

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The Partner Referral feature allows for referral reports with payment information and is viewable both in your Network Portal and the Partner Portal. Referral payments appear as line items in partner invoices as part of the billing process.

There are three ways you can configure your Partner Referral Program:

Global configuration for ALL Partners

  • Navigate to Control Center - Partner Configurations > Partner Referral > Edit.

Once enabled, you can create a default configuration for all Partners under the Global Setting card.

You can choose to pay your Partners by either:

1) A flat fee (immediate payment when the referred Partner is Approved on your side)


2) A Percentage of what the referred Partner generates.

Additionally, you can choose to pay your Partners based on the referred Partner's generated payout, profit or revenue.

Lastly, you can apply a minimum earnings threshold to be required before paying associated commissions and define a time duration in which referral commissions are active. If the duration box is left unchecked, the period is indefinite.


You choose Percentage, rate 10%, type Payout and duration one month: If Partner 1 refers Partner 2 and Partner 2 earns a $100 payout during that one month, Partner 1 would get paid $10 (10% of 100) for recruiting them.

Please Note: This feature does not allow retroactive payments. If you would like to pay partner referrals retroactively, please contact the Customer Success team.

Partner-level configuration for specific Partner(s)

  • Navigate to Partners - Manage > Choose Partner - Partner Referral Setting card on General tab - Edit. If you already have Partner Referral enabled at a global level, here, you can disable or customize it for selected Partners as well.

How do my Partners start using the Partner Referral tool?

  • Your Partner can find their unique sign-up link in their portal by going to Company Settings - My Account. Any approved new Partner, who signs up using their link, is automatically associated with the "Referred By" partner.

Or, you can retroactively assign a Partner as the referral of another Partner. Navigate to Partners - Manage > Choose Partner - Edit > Under 'Referred By' and assign the Partner that referred them.

How do I view a Referral Report?

  • Navigate to Reporting - Partner Referrals for a breakdown of referral commission earned by each Partner.

The commission (Billed/Balance) is calculated based on the dates specified in the report.

The Billed column displays the amount included in the Partner's invoices for the selected timeframe.

The Balance column displays the total earned by the Partner in the selected time frame.

The Referral Status column indicates whether or not the Partner is marked as "Referred By" the other Partner, but is unaffected by whether or not the commission duration is expired. If the Referral status is "inactive," then the referral association between the two partners has been removed. Please note that if the Referral Status is "Inactive", then the Balance column is not calculated.

The Referred Date indicates the actual date when the referral commission structure was set up between the Referred Partner and Referred By partner. When a Commission Structure is changed in the Partner or Network settings, a new row appears to indicate the new commission structure with the updated Referred Date.

How do referral payments appear on Partner invoices?

  • Once the minimum threshold is met, referral payments are automatically added to Partner invoices as a line item.

  • To view, navigate to: Partners - Invoices > Click Desired Invoice - Details card.

Tracking Referrals without Paying Commission

  • If you do not want to pay your Partners a referral commission, but you do want to track their referrals, navigate to Control Center - Partner Configurations > Partner Referral. Be sure the “Enable Partner Referral” is set to No.

Please note that the Partner Referral Link is hidden when this feature is turned off. However, the link is still functional, and will automatically associate any Referred Partners with the Referring Partner using the Referred By field, which is displayed when you navigate to Partners - Manage:

Taking the above into account means that you must turn on the feature long enough to copy the Partner Referral Link to share with the Partner. That is, IF you wish for your Partner to use a Partner Referral Link, as it is optional.

If you do not want to use Partner Referral Links with your Partners, then you can simply retroactively assign a Partner as the referral of another Partner. Simply click Edit on the General card, and select the Referred By Partner from the drop-down menu.

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