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Step-by-Step for Launching Your Partner Marketing Program
Step-by-Step for Launching Your Partner Marketing Program

Guide covering everything you need to know to create a Partner/Affiliate program in Everflow

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents


This is a step-by-step guide for brands or agencies who are building their first Partner program on Everflow. This guide will walk you through the setup for a fictional brand.

Fictional Brand:

  1. Name: YEM Threads

  2. Description: YEM Threads makes eco-friendly, sustainable clothing

  3. Desired Partner Commission: 8% of the Shopping Cart total

  4. Average Margin per Sale: 40%

Step #1: Create Employee User Account

  • To create a new User account for an employee, navigate to Control Center - Accounts, then click [+ Add Account].

For detailed instructions on creating user accounts for employees, see Employee Management and Security Guide.

Step #2: Brand Your Network & Partner Portals

  • You're able to customize your Network Portal, as well as your Partner Portal, with your own company logo, color scheme, and other presets.

For a detailed guide on both portals, see Quick Guide: Branding Your Everflow Instance.

Step #3: Build Your Campaign

  • For YEM Threads, we want to set up different payouts based on product lines. To do this, we'll set up a separate Offer for each type of product.

  • Navigate to Offers - Add. Then, fill out the information about the offer.

You will start with the General tab.

Name: The name of your Offer will be displayed to Partners.

Base Destination URL: This is the destination for your Partner's tracking links.

Preview URL: A link to the landing page, so the Partner can view it without clicking a tracking link. See example below:

Description: This is where you showcase the value of your Offer to Partners, using strong descriptors and call-to-actions. You can use HTML or plain text.

[Next]: Revenue & Payout

YEM Threads wants to pay 8% of their customers’ total order value to the Partner.

To track how much they are generating from each sale, we select RPS (Revenue Per Sale) and enter their margin of 40%. For the Partner payout, we select CPS (Cost Per Sale) and set it at 8%.

We'll keep the Fire Partner Postback toggled to the checkbox, otherwise Everflow won’t send the conversions (sales) to the Partner's system.

[Next]: Tracking & Controls


YEM Threads has chosen to use Direct Linking to track this Offer.

  • Under Conversion Method, select JavaScript SDK, and enable Direct Linking with the checkbox. This will allow you to track Partner clicks and performance without requiring traditional tracking links.


To ensure inventory and budget is available for their partner payouts, YEM Threads set up a Daily Conversion Cap of 100. This means that their links will deactivate on this Offer after 100 sales are recorded in a single day.


YEM Threads would like all of their partners to have access to this Offer, therefore we select Public, under Visibility.

The Unique Session Duration refers to the time span in which a click from the same User is considered “unique.” In other words, it refers to the length of time that a duplicate click will be considered as such.

We always keep Redirect Mode on Standard (302) for best performance.

[Next]: Attribution

YEM Threads is not interested in enabling any of the extra settings here, so we will keep everything as is.

Please note, we are using Last Touch Attribution, which applies credit to the Partner associated with the most recent click prior to the User's purchase (conversion).

[Next]: Targeting

Shipping from YEM Threads is only available in the continental US (excluding Alaska and Hawaii), so we will set those targeting requirements to ensure we're only reaching customers who are actually able to purchase the product.

If the click doesn’t meet these requirements, the User is either sent to a blank page, or can be redirected based on Fail Traffic (explained below).

[Next]: Fail Traffic

As mentioned in the Targeting section, we can use Fail Traffic to redirect "invalid clicks," or users who don't meet your targeting requirements.

Since we don't want to interrupt the user experience by redirecting to another Offer, or by sending users to a blank page, we can select Pass Through for all Fail Reasons.

[Next]: Creatives

This is where you add all of your creative assets such as images, email copy, etc.

We added an image here, and can add more by clicking [+ Creative].

Please note, that you can add multiple creatives at once by using the Bulk Edit feature.

[Next]: Email

YEM Threads does not plan to run email campaigns, so we will skip this section.

If you want to run email campaigns and have a managed suppression list with one of our Partners, Ezepo or Optizmo, you can complete the integration(s) and share the suppression lists here. If not, then leave this part as-is.

  • Click Add to finish creating your Offer.

Step #4: Place Tracking Scripts

In Step #3, we selected Direct Linking, with Javascript SDK for the Conversion Method. Now, we need to place the proper scripts to facilitate tracking.

  • Since we're already on the Offer page in Everflow, we can scroll down on the ‘General’ tab to find the Tracking card. Here are the click and conversion scripts that need to be placed on YEM Threads' website.

  • We want to track clicks across the entire website, not only on one single landing page, so we will paste the click script on the global footer of YEM Threads' website.

  • We will paste the conversion script on YEM Threads' order confirmation page to track conversion data.

For detailed instructions on Direct Linking and the Javascript SDK, see Conversion Method: Javascript SDK (Direct Linking + Redirect).

Step #5: Set Up Affiliate/Partner Promotion Channels

We have two main options for signing partners up for our program:

  • Create partner manually

  • Use Partner Signup Form

For detailed instructions, see Getting Started - Partner Setup.

Step #6: Partner Tracking Links

Now that we have setup a Partner and an Offer (Cymbals & Saxophones Tee), we must provide the Partner with the tracking links and offer details they need in order to send traffic.

YEM Threads has decided to communicate with partners primarily through the Everflow platform, using the features outlined in Partner Communication Tools.

Step #7: Check Reports

Once the Partner has started sending traffic to Cymbals & Saxophones Tee, you can start running reports to evaluate it.

To learn more about reporting, see List of Reporting Options.

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