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How To - Advanced Guides
How To - Advanced Guides

Dive deeper into the platform to maximize its use.

Tracking Organic TrafficStart understanding and analyzing the performance from your direct traffic sources.
Direct Linking Between Two Everflow NetworksHow to set up the Direct Linking solution between two Everflow instances.
User ManagementTrack your customers individually across multiple offers and apply special payouts based on their activity.
How to Split Test Offers, Landing Pages and Offer URLsHow to rotate Offers, Landing Pages and Offer URLs in Everflow
Cross Site TrackingThis default code will help you pass our click ID from the original page to another to allow for cross site tracking.
Zapier - Passing Data Into EverflowPassing your data into Everflow. Learn how to connect your data stack using Zapier to fire postback data into Everflow.
WebhooksThis article will touch on how to set up webhooks with Everflow for setting up integrations with third-party tech solutions.
Pre-landers, Offer Walls and ListiclesHow to set up a pre-lander, offer wall or listicle with a coding sample for reference
Whitepaper: Unlocking Efficient SaaS Growth in 2024: Scaling Referral PartnershipsBoost sales with our whitepaper's step-by-step guide to creating a proven, cost-effective customer referral program that drives results.
Network's Guide to Partner Meta (Facebook) AttributionHow to configure your Partner postback setup to track Meta conversion pixels from Network Portal using Meta integration.
Clickless Conversion TrackingHow to fire a Conversion without first firing an associated Click.