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Comparing Anti-Fraud Integrations
Comparing Anti-Fraud Integrations

Side-by-side comparisons for integrations with 24metrics, Anura and IP Quality Score

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over 9 months ago


This chart can help you to compare the various integrations that are available for preventing fraudulent clicks and/or conversions.

These integrations include:



IP Quality Score

Detects Click Fraud

Yes (*Clickshield)



Detects Conversion Fraud




Reporting Column


In Reporting > Click, displayed in the ‘Error Message’ column as “ANURA_FRAUD_CHECK”

In Reporting > Click, displayed in the ‘Error Message’ column as ”IP_QUALITY_SCORE_OVER_THRESHOLD”

How Does Everflow Reject Clicks?

Marked as “Invalid Click”.

Based on offer settings, Invalid Clicks are either sent to Fail Traffic or users just land on blank page.

Marked as “Invalid Click”.

Based on offer settings, Invalid Clicks are either sent to Fail Traffic or users just land on blank page.

Marked as “Invalid Click”.

You must define a Minimum Fraud Score and a Minimum Fraud Score Mobile. If the response from IPQS has a score equal to or above your defined minimum scores, the click is deemed invalid.

Based on offer settings, Invalid Clicks are either sent to Fail Traffic or are blocked.

How Does Everflow Reject Conversions?

The offer is associated with 24Metrics' Level Trackers.

All conversions will be set to Pending while waiting for a response from 24metrics. They will eventually be approved or rejected based on the response from 24metrics.



Integration Guide

Standard - [Click Here]

*Clickshield - [Click Here]

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