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Fire Partner Postback Toggle

Disable the postback to prevent conversions or events from being fired to your Partner.

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over a week ago


This article will show you how to disable the Partner Postback to prevent it from firing when a conversion or event is approved in Everflow.

Please note that the Base Conversion can never be fully "private." Even if the postback is disabled, the Partner can still see the conversion in the Partner Portal.

Enabling or Disabling Partner Postbacks

  • When adding or editing an Offer, navigate to the Revenue & Payout section. By default, Fire Partner Postbacks is enabled (with a checkmark).

*Pro Tip: You can apply this toggle only to certain Partners instead of implementing it at the Offer level with a Custom Revenue/Payout Setting. For more information about how to create Custom Settings - [Click Here]

  • This toggle is also available for Additional Events. Click on the three dots and Edit.

  • Once saved, the settings for both Base Conversion and Event(s) will be displayed on the Revenue & Payout card.

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