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Integrations: Google Ads

Activate tracking for every Google Ads campaign and pass event data into GADS for optimization.

Michael Cole avatar
Written by Michael Cole
Updated over 3 months ago

Updated - Hotfix 3.2.0 (April 2023): This integration has been updated with additional customization configurations, the ability to add multiple tracking parameters, and more.

Table of Contents


Here at Everflow, we use this integration for our own Google Ads campaigns. It allows us to achieve:

  • Accurate attribution for conversions and engagement events

  • Keyword, placement, and partner tracking inside Everflow

  • A quick analysis of what is driving results from GADS with a performance lens.

Optimization in Google Ads should be at the conversion action-level, but their reporting doesn't make it easy to take action. Using this integration, we saw a 91% increase in quality leads with only a 9% increase in budget.

Additional Resources

This integration is also available in the Partner UI. Check out and share our help desk guide, specifically designed for your Partners using the Everflow portal.

Check out this blog post: Our Google Ads Playbook: Capturing 91% More Qualified Leads, for an in-depth look at how we've refined our Google Ads strategy at Everflow and action steps to help you return more quality leads in your own business.


The Everflow-Google Ads integration provides robust tracking and attribution capabilities. It performs the following key functions:

  1. Tracking Template Update: The integration updates the tracking template in your Google Ads accounts to pass click data from Google Ads into Everflow.

  2. Conversion & Event Sync: The integration passes conversion and event data registered by Everflow back into Google Ads. This allows for optimization based on the values you're passing from Everflow.

  3. Enhanced Attribution: The specific configurations you create within this integration give you massive control over your attribution, data, and how Google Auto-Optimizes around the values from Everflow.

This integration is designed to help you, the network, advertiser, or brand, track and optimize your activity on Google Ads more effectively. By connecting Everflow and Google Ads, you gain deeper visibility and control over your advertising performance and attribution.

Note 1: This setup requires Direct Linking for tracking and attribution.

Note 2: One of the powerful benefits of this integration is the ability to fire attributed Offer Events into Google Ads. We recommend using an offer with Events with this integration, and you can even track CRM pipeline stages (for HubSpot and Salesforce) and fire those events into Google Ads for optimization.

To learn more about Google Ads and sign up for an account - [Click Here]

A Step-By-Step Guide

Google Ads Integration is fully reliant on SDK.

For the Everflow JS SDK Documentation - [Click Here]

To read how Everflow uses JS SDK - [Click Here]

Step 1: Configure Google Ads

The configuration process must be done within Google Ads. Meaning, that we advise creating an account, entering your business info, and anything required before trying to set up an actual campaign within Everflow.

If you haven't yet created Conversion Actions inside of Google Ads, please go ahead and do this.

Step 2: Connect Integration

  • Navigate to Integrations. Click on the Media Buying tab, and then click [Connect Integration] for Google Ads.

  • You will be prompted to sign into your Google account. Sign in and click Allow to authorize the integration.

Step 3: Google Ads Setup

  • This feature can be found inside under Google Ads - + Create. If you have a Conversion Action you'd like to connect already, you can skip this step.

  • Click + Conversion action

  • Import > CRMs, files, or other data sources > Track conversions from clicks

  • Data Source > Skip this step and set up a data source later

Quick setup notes:

  • Select a Conversion goal and name this action. Then click Add.

  • Click on three vertical dots to the right then select Conversion action settings

  • Configure the Conversion action settings. Use the default attribution model.

  • This needs to be configured in GoogleAds. Everflow won’t modify your Conversion action settings.

NOTE: For Count, select Every if wbraid/gbraid will be used for attribution instead of gclid.

  • Click Create and Continue > Finish and your Conversion Action is fully set up.

Step 4: Configuration

  • Once you have successfully connected your Google Ads account with Everflow, click [Configure] for Google Ads. You can find this button by navigating to Integrations - Media Buying > Configure.

You may configure the integration using the Add Google Ads Configuration form. Your Google Ads credentials are available for selection based on the sign-in authorization you completed in Step 1.

You can configure an integration for each of your Google Ads accounts.

There are four steps to complete the configuration:

  1. General

  2. Account Settings

  3. Campaign Settings

  4. Conversions


  • Enter a name for your connection, and enter your Google Ads Manager ID and Google Ads Customer ID.

  • Click [Next] to continue to Account Settings.

Account Settings

Allow Google Ads Tracking Templates

Enabling this feature allows Everflow to update your Google Ads tracking template at the Account or Campaign level.

  • Please note that auto-tagging does not work with Video ads.

NOTE: Account and Campaign Tracking Template within Google Ads cannot be empty in order for auto-tagging to work properly.

Here is an example:

  • Select Deny if you want to manually add the needed parameters

  • Select Allow, then the default Google Ads tracking template will be updated to pass the necessary parameters for Google Ads and Everflow to connect on every click.

There are two levels of tracking templates:

  • Account level: This will be updated with the "Default Offer" selected

  • Campaign level: This will be configured in the next step

Map Default Tracking Parameters

Configure the parameters to be appended to your Google Ads links.

Google Click ID (gclid) is **mandatory** to attribute the conversion.

  • To collect *gbraid/wbraid, *enable Additional Tracking Parameters. You can use any custom parameter name (e.g., "wbraid", "gbraid") or EF's standard parameters (sub1-sub5) to pass these values upon click.

  • Note: While standard parameters (sub1-sub5) appear in EF Reporting, custom parameter names will be available in Click Details.

Any freeform parameter can be used to pass the google macros into.

  • Click [Next] to continue to Campaign Settings.

Campaign Settings

This optional section allows you to customize your campaign-level setups inside of Google Ads.

  • As mentioned in the previous section, there are two levels of tracking templates. Here, we will define the Campaign-level setting. If you do not [Enable Campaign Mapping], then the account-level mapping as defined in the previous step will be applied.

  • Click [Next] to continue to Conversions.


This section allows for mapping multiple Events within your configuration. Since "campaigns" and "conversion actions" are two totally separate concepts in Google Ads, this section allows us to specify which conversion actions are sent back to Everflow. This section does not affect your tracking templates, whereas the Campaign Settings (previous section) do affect your tracking templates.

You can think of a "Conversion Action" in Google Ads as Google Ads' version of the combination of an Everflow Offer + Event. We need to map Google Ads' version to Everflow if we want to track it. Whatever mapping configuration you select here will send postbacks to Google Ads.

  • To add a conversion mapping configuration, click [+ Conversion Mapping].

  • Then, complete the configuration:

  • Select the Conversion Action where you want to receive this data >

  • Select the Offer that you want to pass Event data from >

  • Select the Event that when tracked in Everflow will be fired into Google Ads under the selected Conversion Action.

Apply Traffic Rules

  • Advanced media buyers can use Apply Traffic Rules to have further control over their Conversion Actions and the Values they are passing to them.

For example, you can choose to not fire a Conversion Action whenever there is a or email.

You could also fire a different Conversion Action whenever the tracked amount for an Event is more than $500.

  • Click Save.

Every time the selected Event is tracked in Everflow, it will fire into Google Ads using either the default conversion value inside of Google Ads or a custom value by using the Override Linked Event Value toggle setting.

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