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LeadByte Integration

Learn how to integrate LeadByte's lead distribution with Everflow by configuring postback tracking of leads between the two systems.

Dasha Shareyko avatar
Written by Dasha Shareyko
Updated over a year ago

Table of Contents

Overview: What is LeadByte?

LeadByte is a lead distribution software that helps lead generators scale their growth through advanced automation for lead distribution and nurturing. They enable companies to accelerate growth by getting leads to buyers more efficiently while nurturing leads to boost sales.

Why Integrate with LeadByte

If you use Everflow to manage affiliates and LeadByte to distribute leads to buyers, sending conversion events from LeadByte back to Everflow connects the attribution loop.

You can accurately:

  • Attribute sales to the correct affiliate

  • Track revenue generated

  • Automatically calculate and award commissions

How the Integration Works

When a lead is sold to the Buyer in LeadByte, they load a Postback URL to Everflow to record that event. This postback contains key attribution details:

  • Everflow Transaction ID: To attribute the sale back to the correct Everflow affiliate

  • Sale Amount: To enable calculating the affiliate's commission

Within LeadByte, Postbacks can be triggered on different lead events:

  • Lead Received: To track initial lead activity

  • Lead Sold: To track actual conversions (most common)

Key Integration Requirements

To enable the integration, the following needs configuration:

Step 1: Creating an Offer

The first step to enable conversion tracking is to setup an offer within the Everflow platform that your affiliates will promote. You can refer to [Getting Started - Offer Setup Guide] for details on configuring an offer.

The key component for enabling the integration is to make sure your Everflow offer is setup to generate a unique transaction ID for each affiliate click.

Step 2: Assign Field for Transaction ID

  • You will need to ensure you have assigned a Field in LeadByte to store the unique Everflow Transaction ID for each lead.

  • You can either create a Custom Field for this purpose or, alternatively, use existing standard fields such as C1, C2, C3 or Source.

  • This links each lead to the corresponding Everflow affiliate for later attribution.

Step 3: Pass Transaction ID into LeadByte

Append {transaction_id} Macro from Everflow to the offer landing page URL that feeds leads into LeadByte (Offers - Add - General Tab - Base Destination URL > Add Macro). This dynamically assigns the ID to each lead.

Note: When generating an Offer Tracking Link, don't forget to choose the correct Partner (ex. (20514) LeadByte Aff).

Step 4: Configure Offer Postback Settings

Note: Within Everflow's offer configuration, make sure Postback settings (Conversion Method) are enabled to receive conversion transaction and amount data from LeadByte.

  • Everflow needs the Postback URL specified and parameters properly mapped in order to process the conversion events and data that LeadByte sends over after a lead is sold.

  • This includes mapping LeadByte's revenue amount to Everflow's "amount" field so commissions can be calculated accurately.

Learn more about Postback [Here].

Step 5: Configure Postback in LeadByte

Add a postback in LeadByte via Campaign Settings using the Everflow API URL. Map the Transaction ID custom field to Everflow's "transaction_id" parameter and the sale amount to Everflow's "amount" parameter.

Postback URL in LeadByte can be added in Campaign Settings using Tracking Pixels.

LeadByte - Edit Campaign and 3 more pages - Work - Microsoft_ Edge 2023-07-17 at 8.35.16 AM

Add a new one or select Pixel you'd like to edit and paste your Postback URL.

Step 6: Explore Lead Reporting

To analyze performance of a particular Everflow offer after integrating with LeadByte, you can explore offer-level reporting data by going Reporting > Offer report.

From there, you can view metrics expanded by Partner and use varied filters.

You can also check out this video guide below for integrating LeadByte in Everflow.

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