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Konnektive & Checkout Champ Integration

How to post data from Konnektive CRM to Everflow using server postbacks.

peter kurjanowicz avatar
Written by peter kurjanowicz
Updated over a week ago


This article outlines how to track data from the Konnektive CRM in Everflow. It includes guides for setting up your campaign and postback URLs in the Konnektive platform, as well as setting up the Offer accordingly and testing it in Everflow.

These instructions are for use with Redirect Partner Tracking Links only.

For Direct Linking, you will need to be using Checkout Champ, a web-building tool used on top of Konnektive. For more info - [Click Here]

This guide is divided into 4 sections:

Campaign Setup: Konnektive

Step #1

  • Log in to your Konnektive account. Then, set up a new campaign and a new affiliate. For instructions on this, please refer to Konnektive - [Click Here]

Step #2

  • Be sure the affiliate is added to the campaign. Then, navigate to CRM > Affiliates, and click the Edit button for the desired affiliate.

Step #3

  • Copy the Tracking String from their page.

Offer Setup: Everflow

** Please Note: Coupon Codes do not work with the Konnektive integration.

Step #1

  • Add a new Offer in Everflow. For more info on this - [Click Here]

Step #2

  • Append the affiliate's tracking string to the landing page that you've integrated with Konnektive, and enter it as the offer's Base Destination URL.


Landing Page:

Tracking String: ?affId=56789&c1=[c1]&c2=[c2]&c3=[c3]

Base Destination URL:{transaction_id}&c2={affiliate_id}&c3={optional}

Please Note: The value passed in the {transaction_id} macro is a mandatory value. Feel free to pass any data point you'd like using the {optional} macro.

  • On the Tracking & Controls page, be sure to select Server Postback as the Conversion Method.

Step #3

  • Once the Offer is added, copy the postback URL from the offer page.

Postback Setup: Konnektive

Step #1

  • In the Konnektive platform, navigate to CRM > Affiliates and click the Edit button for the desired affiliate. Then, click the Pixels tab.

Step #2

  • Click the [+] button, and set up the pixel as shown below. Be sure to select the pixel type: Postback. Then, click Create Pixel.

Testing the Pixel in Everflow

  • Navigate to Offers - Manage > Click on the offer > Tracking Links tab.

  • From here, copy an Advertiser Test Tracking Link.

  • Paste it into your browser and generate a conversion to confirm it fires to Everflow.

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