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Unbounce Integration

How to track lead submits from Unbounce back to Everflow

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over a week ago


In order to integrate with Unbounce, you must have a domain connected to Unbounce. For more info - [Click Here]

Click on one of the options below based on your tracking method:

Direct Linking Setup

Step #1

  • Navigate to the script manager section here:

Step #2

  • Click "Add a Script":

  • Then select "Custom Script" from the dropdown:

Step #3

  • Name the script. Then, click "Add Script Details":

Step #4

  • Copy this code:

<script type="text/javascript" 

<script type="text/javascript">{
offer_id: EF.urlParameter('oid'),
affiliate_id: EF.urlParameter('affid'),
sub1: EF.urlParameter('sub1'),
sub2: EF.urlParameter('sub2'),
sub3: EF.urlParameter('sub3'),
sub4: EF.urlParameter('sub4'),
sub5: EF.urlParameter('sub5'),
uid: EF.urlParameter('uid'),
source_id: EF.urlParameter('source_id'),
transaction_id: EF.urlParameter('_ef_transaction_id'),

window.ub.hooks.beforeFormSubmit.push(function(args) {

var EmailInput = args.formElement.querySelector('input#email');
EmailInput.value = EmailInput.value.trim();

var FnameInput = args.formElement.querySelector('input#first_name');
FnameInput.value = FnameInput.value.trim();

var LnameInput = args.formElement.querySelector('input#last_name');
LnameInput.value = LnameInput.value.trim();

adv1: FnameInput.value+ " "+LnameInput.value,
email: EmailInput.value,


  • Replace INSERT_TRACKING_DOMAIN with the domain from your account found here (Control Center > Platform Configurations > Domains tab).

In the example below, the domain is

  • Replace INSERT_AID with the Advertiser ID of the offer found here (Offers > Manage > Click the offer).

In the example below, it is 165:

Step #5

  • Make sure to select: Placement: Before Body End Tag, Included on: Main Landing Page.

  • Then, click "Save Changes" at the bottom.

  • Now, you can enter the page domain into the Base Destination URL.

Server Postback Setup

  • In Everflow, append the following to the offer's Base Destination URL, and be sure the Conversion Method is Server Postback:


In this example we are also passing source={sub1} in addition to the transaction_id

  • In Unbounce, go to Preview and Edit Landing Page. Select the first form field object, then select Edit Form Fields under Properties on the right side.

  • Under Custom Fields, select Hidden Field and enter: transaction_id as the field name and ID and source as the field name and ID (optional).

If you are passing additional values in the Base Destination URL that you would like to track in Unbounce, you will need to repeat this step for each parameter.

  • Select Done when you are finished, then Save and Republish the landing page.

  • Stay in Unbounce, and navigate back to the Overview tab for your page. Click the Integrations tab, then click the Webhooks tab.

  • Click Add Webhook and under Choose a URL to POST form data to, enter your Everflow postback URL:

  • Be sure to save your changes.

  • After following the steps above, please put through a test in an incognito browser to confirm it's tracking properly!

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