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Integrations: Ringba

How to track your Ringba call and revenue data in Everflow

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over a week ago

Updated - Hotfix 3.3.0 (July 2023): Pay Per Call tab added to Control Center > Integrations allows network users to initiate/complete the Ringba integration [Details]

Updated - Hotfix 3.3.0 (May 2023): To initiate an integration with Ringba, you must contact the Customer Success team and provide API token. Once Ringba Campaigns and Publishers are mapped to Everflow Offers and Partners, Everflow automatically displays all mappable Ringba Publishers and Campaign Names for selection. [Details]

Table of Contents


Everflow currently supports a limited integration with Ringba to track your call and revenue data in Everflow. This article outlines the simple processes which allow Ringba events to be fired into Everflow and therefore be made available in reporting.

Setup Summary: Ringba

To facilitate this limited integration, be sure that

  1. You have a Ringba account.

  2. You place Ringba's Javascript tag on your landing page allowing Ringba to receive your impression data. In order to do this, you will need to set up a campaign with an associated attached Number Pool. When a user reaches the landing page, the call tracking process will initiate.

  3. You implement the Everflow Conversion Postback and Event Postbacks in Ringba.

Step-By-Step: Everflow

Step #1 - Initiate Integration

  • Navigate to Integrations.

  • Click the Pay Per Call tab and then click Connect Integration for Ringba.

  • You will be prompted to enter your Ringba Account ID and Ringba API Token.

To find your Ringba Account ID and Ringba API Token, follow the instructions below.

How To Find Your Ringba Account ID

  • Log in to your Ringba dashboard.

  • Click on your profile at the top-right of the dashboard.

  • Click on the clipboard icon next to your company name.

  • Use "CTRL-V" to paste your Ringba Account ID.

How To Find Your Ringba API Access Token

  • Log in to your Ringba dashboard.

  • Navigate to "Security" from the side-panel and click on "API Access Tokens".

  • Click the "Add API Access Token" button.

  • Input the Email Address and Password to confirm and create your authentication.

  • Click the "Copy Token" button. **Please note that you will only see this token once so it is important to store it in a secure location.

  • After you have created the API Access Token, you can view and access the Token Usage Details from the "Actions" panel.

Step #2 - Offer Setup

  • Create an Offer in Everflow, and add all Events that you are tracking in Ringba.

  • Be sure to select Server Postback as the Conversion Method.

  • The Base Destination URL should be the same landing page where you placed Ringba's JavaScript tag, and must include {transaction_id}. For example:{transaction_id}

Step #3: Postback Implementation

  • Implement the Everflow Conversion Postback and Event Postbacks in Ringba.

  • You will need to create a URL Parameter to capture the transaction_id , which you will pass back in the postback.

  • Integrations > URL Parameters > Add the parameter that is passing the transaction_id value:

    clickid from the example above
  • When adding the Postback in Ringba, click the [Token] button and search for the parameter that was added to capture the transaction_id. Pass it like this:


Step #4 - Campaign/Publisher Mapping

Once we have confirmed the integration is complete, you can map Ringba campaigns and publishers to Everflow Offers and Partners. The Ringba publishers and campaign names will be automatically displayed in Everflow.

  • You must make a selection at the Offer level:

  • And, you must make a selection at the Partner level:

  • Then, the integrated phone number will be displayed on the Offer in the Partner Portal:

If you have a long list of campaigns to be mapped, please let us know so our engineering team can help.

Launching A Pay-Per-Call Program In Less Than 30 Days

We'll explore everything that your brand needs for launching a pay-per-call program in less than 30 days based on Ninfa’s extensive affiliate marketing industry experience at the leading performance marketing network, Madrivo.

  1. Why Test Out Pay-Per-Call: Learn the advantages of pay-per-call campaigns over traditional affiliate marketing.

  2. When You Should Launch: Discover what needs to be in place before considering pay-per-call as a channel.

  3. How To Structure Your Program: Payout structures that motivate affiliates, fraud prevention tactics, and scaling.

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