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Integrations: Ringba

How to track your Ringba call and revenue data in Everflow.

Dasha Shareyko avatar
Written by Dasha Shareyko
Updated over a week ago


Integrating Ringba with Everflow can significantly enhance your call tracking and performance marketing efforts.

Before diving into the integration process, it's crucial to determine whether you'll be using hard-coded phone numbers or dynamic number pools. This decision will impact your setup process and the level of tracking detail you can achieve.

Hard-Coded Phone Number VS Dynamic Number Pool

Make sure you know whether you’re using Hard-Coded Numbers or Dynamic Number Pools.

☎️ Hard-Coded Numbers

📱 Dynamic Number Pools

  • Definition: Single, dedicated phone numbers associated with a specific affiliate / campaign.

  • Use Case: Ideal for simple ads, when you don't intend to create a landing page.

  • Pros: Easy to set up, straightforward clickless tracking, suitable for small-scale campaigns. You can use Everflow's built-in option in "Integrations."

  • Cons: Limited granularity in data, less flexibility for multi-channel campaigns.

*Number remains the same.

  • Definition: A system that dynamically assigns unique phone numbers to visitors based on various factors.

  • Use Case: Ideal for detailed tracking across multiple campaigns when using a landing page.

  • Pros: Provides granular data, scalable for large campaigns, compatible with both direct and redirect tracking links

  • Cons: More complex setup, may require more resources to manage.

*Number dynamically changes on the page.

Hard-Coded Phone Number (Direct Dial-In Numbers) Integration

If you're using hard-coded phone numbers, follow these steps to integrate Ringba with Everflow:

☎️ Hard-Coded Phone Number: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Initiate Integration

  1. In Everflow, go to Integrations > Pay Per Call tab.

  2. Click "Connect Integration" for Ringba.

  3. Enter your Ringba Account ID and API Token.

To find your Ringba Account ID:

  • Log in to Ringba dashboard

  • Click your profile (top-right)

  • Copy the ID next to your company name

To generate a Ringba API Access Token:

  • In Ringba dashboard, go to Security > API Access Tokens

  • Click "Add API Access Token"

  • Enter credentials

  • And copy the token (store securely)

  • After you have created the API Access Token, you can view and access the Token Usage Details from the "Actions" panel.

Step 2: Offer Setup in Everflow

  1. Create an Offer in Everflow

  2. Add all Events tracked in Ringba

  3. Select Server Postback as Conversion Method

  4. Set Base Destination URL to Ringba's tracking URL (if applicable)


When using hard-coded (direct dial-in) numbers, there's typically no landing page involved. Partners will promote the assigned unique phone numbers directly.

Conversions are tracked through clickless postbacks when calls are made to these numbers. Clicks can still be tracked using Redirect Link, but no relation between click and conversion will show in Everflow reporting.

Step 3: Configure Ringba Tracking ID and Partner Sub ID

Tracking ID (Offer ID):

  1. In Ringba, click Campaigns > Create Campaign

  2. Name and select the country for your campaign

  3. Click Create

  4. Under General Info, insert the Everflow Offer ID into the Tracking ID field

  5. Click Save

Sub ID (Affiliate ID):

  1. In Ringba, click Publishers > Add Publisher

  2. Name your publisher

  3. Insert the Everflow affiliate ID into the Sub ID field

  4. Click Add

Step 4: Implement Server Postback on Ringba

  • Using OID and AFFID: Implement a server postback with this format:[tag:Campaign:TrackingId]&affid=[tag:Publisher:SubId]&amount=[Call:ConversionAmount]
  • &amount is optional

To implement a server postback in Ringba:

  1. Navigate to Integrations - Pixels > + Create Pixel

2. Your postback should follow this format:[tag:Campaign:TrackingId]&affid=[tag:Publisher:SubId]&amount=[Call:ConversionAmount]

This was the postback from the example above:[tag:Publisher:SubId]&oid=[tag:Campaign:TrackingId]

Step 5: Campaign/Publisher Mapping

  1. Confirm integration completion

  2. Map Ringba campaigns and publishers to Everflow Offers and Partners

Verify integrated phone number display on the Offer in Partner Portal.

For assistance with bulk campaign mapping, contact Everflow support.

Dynamic Number Pool Integration

Dynamic number pools offer more advanced tracking capabilities, allowing you to associate unique phone numbers with individual visitors.


This method will ONLY work if the dynamic pool number is on the same page as the landing page of the Offer. Contact support if this is not the case.

Here's how to set up and integrate dynamic number pools with Everflow:

📱 Dynamic Number Pool Integration: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create a Number Pool in Ringba

  1. In Ringba, navigate to Numbers > Manage Pools.

  2. Click the "+ CREATE NUMBER POOL" button.

  3. Complete the required fields:

    • Name your pool

    • Select the country (US/Canada by default; contact support for other countries)

    • Configure additional settings as needed (e.g., session duration, idle timeout)

Step 2: Attach Number Pool to a Campaign

  1. Open your Campaign in Ringba.

  2. Under Publishers, click "+ ADD CALL TRACKING TAG".

  3. Configure the call tracking tag:

    • Name the tag

    • Set a Primary Number (used when pool numbers are exhausted)

    • Specify the Number to Replace (typically the Primary Number)

    • Toggle on "Capture User Data"

    • Select your created Number Pool

Step 3: Implement JavaScript on Your Landing Page

  1. In Ringba, find your Campaign ID (edit campaign > General Info section).

  2. Add this script to the <HEAD> of your landing page:

<script src="//{Your campaign ID}" async></script>

  • Replace {Your campaign ID} with your actual campaign ID.

Step 4: Set Up Offer in Everflow

  1. Create an Offer in Everflow.

  2. Add all Events you're tracking in Ringba.

  3. Select "Server Postback" as the Conversion Method.

  4. Set the Base Destination URL to your landing page with the Ringba script

Step 5: Implement Everflow Tracking Script

Add the following script to your landing page, after the Ringba script:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">{
offer_id: EF.urlParameter('oid'),
affiliate_id: EF.urlParameter('affid'),
sub1: EF.urlParameter('sub1'),
sub2: EF.urlParameter('sub2'),
sub3: EF.urlParameter('sub3'),
sub4: EF.urlParameter('sub4'),
sub5: EF.urlParameter('sub5'),
uid: EF.urlParameter('uid'),
source_id: EF.urlParameter('source_id'),
transaction_id: EF.urlParameter('_ef_transaction_id'),
}).then(function(transaction_id) {
window._rgba_tags = (window._rgba_tags || []);
window._rgba_tags.push({"eftid": transaction_id});

Step 6: Set Up Postback in Ringba

The one we recommend the most:

  1. In Ringba, go to Integrations > URL Parameters.

  2. Add a parameter to capture the transaction_id (eftid).

  3. Navigate to Integrations - Pixels > + Create Pixel

  4. Click the [Token] button and search for the parameter you added (eftid). Then add it to your postback URL like this:

  • using &transaction_id=[Tag:User:eftid] instead of oid and affid[Tag:User:eftid]

This setup ensures that Ringba captures the Everflow transaction ID and can pass it back in the conversion postback.

Step 7: Test and Verify

  1. Visit your landing page through an Everflow tracking link.

  2. Verify that the phone number on the page is replaced with a number from your pool.

  3. Make a test call and check that it's tracked correctly in both Ringba and Everflow.

By following these steps, you'll have successfully integrated Ringba's dynamic number pools with Everflow, allowing for detailed call tracking and attribution across your marketing campaigns.

📸 Launching A Pay-Per-Call Program In Less Than 30 Days

We'll explore everything that your brand needs for launching a pay-per-call program in less than 30 days based on Ninfa’s extensive affiliate marketing industry experience at the leading performance marketing network, Madrivo.

  1. Why Test Out Pay-Per-Call: Learn the advantages of pay-per-call campaigns over traditional affiliate marketing.

  2. When You Should Launch: Discover what needs to be in place before considering pay-per-call as a channel.

  3. How To Structure Your Program: Payout structures that motivate affiliates, fraud prevention tactics, and scaling.

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