This article outlines how to track data from the Impact Radius in Everflow. It includes guides for setting up your postback URLs in the Impact Radius platform, as well as setting up the Offer accordingly in Everflow.
These instructions are for use with Redirect Partner Tracking Links only.
To pass conversion data from Everflow to Impact Radius, please contact support@everflow.io.
This guide is divided into 3 sections:
Offer Setup: Everflow
Step #1
Add a new Offer in Everflow. For more info on this - [Click Here]
On the Tracking & Controls page, be sure to select Server Postback as the Conversion Method.
Step #2
The tracking link from Impact should be set as your Base Destination URL. Here is an example:
Append the corresponding parameter to pass the transaction id:
Step #3
Once the Offer is added, copy the postback URL from the offer page.
The postback needs to be adjusted to pass the transaction id when triggered.
For example:
Base Destination URL: https://example.advertiserdomain.com/qnWy5j?subId1={transaction_id}
Advertiser Postback: https://YourConversionDomain/?transaction_id={SubId1}&adv1={CampaignName}&adv2={ActionTrackerName}&amount={Payout}
Postback Setup: Impact Radius
Step #1
Go to My Brands Page
Select the Brand then click the More… button > Tracking Integration
Step #2
Click <Add Postback> and select the right Action Tracker to trigger a conversion.
Then, place your Global Postback or Event Postback per your need.
Step #3: Test
To test, click Save and return to the previous page.
Find the Postback you want to test, then select Actions [Drop-down menu] > Test.