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Integrations: Optizmo

Enable Optizmo for managing your shared email suppression lists across all of your Partners and Offers.

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over 2 months ago

Note: You must have an agency or advertiser account with Optizmo prior to completing this integration. For more on Optizmo - [Click Here]

How to Integrate with Optizmo

Step #1

  • Navigate to Integrations > Suppression List, then click Add next to Optizmo.

Step #2

  • Enable the toggle, enter your ONID from Optizmo and Save.

Step #3

  • Navigate to Advertisers - Manage, then click on the name of the Advertiser for which to set up a list.

  • Click on the Optizmo tab, then click Create a List.

  • Fill in the required fields, and proceed to Create List.

  • Now, if you refresh your Opt Out Lists in Optizmo, you will see the duplicated list which is now tied to Everflow.

Step #4

  • Once the integration is enabled, you can configure it at the Offer level. When you are adding or editing an Offer, navigate to the Email tab and select from the available lists in the Optizmo Suppression List drop-down.

Step #5

  • Once your Offer has been configured with Optizmo, the links will be visible on the Offer in the Partner Portal.

Using Bulk Edit to Add Suppression Lists

Bulk editing Offers to add Optizmo Suppression Lists is possible. However, you must first include the Advertiser as part of the bulk edit to ensure all Offers are associated with the same Advertiser.

Step #1

  • Navigate to Offers - Manage > Bulk Edit. Select the Offers you want to associate with an Optizmo Suppression List.

Step #2

  • In the Offer Fields section, click +Add.

  1. First, add the Advertiser field, and select the Advertiser that these Offers are associated with.

  2. Next, add the Optizmo Suppression List field, and select the desired list.

Learn more about Everflow x Optizmo by looking below and clicking on the image:

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