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Email Address Attribution

Track associated email addresses to manage Partner performance tied to subscriptions and residual / repeat purchases.

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents


Using Email Address Attribution, an email address associates the originating Partner with any subsequent Conversions or Events tied to that email. This email address is initially collected by the conversion pixel or Postback.

The Associated Event determines which Event will be triggered when the email address is received in a future pixel or Postback. The Email Attribution Method can be set to First Partner Attribution or Last Partner Attribution.

Use Case Example

Setup: Step-By-Step

Step #1

  • Navigate to Offers - Manage and find an Offer to edit or create a new one. The Email Address Attribution functionality is located on the Attribution tab.

  • Turn on the toggle for Enable Email Ownership, and select the Associated Event to which you will tie future Conversions using the email address.

  • You will also need to choose the Email Attribution Method.

    • If First Partner Attribution is selected, the Partner that delivered the first Conversion with that associated email will always receive credit for all future Events using that email.

    • If Last Partner Attribution is selected, ownership changes to the last Partner that delivered a Conversion with the associated email address, and they will then start receiving credit for future Events using that email.

  • Enabling Max Email Attribution Window allows you to determine if you will stop attributing conversions with the associated email after a specific timeframe.

  • To reset the window each time there is a new conversion, select Dynamic for Max Email Attribution Window Type. If you would like the window to remain tied to the first time an email address was associated with a Partner, select Static.

Step #2

  • For the initial conversion, ensure your tracking code or Postback is collecting the consumer email address. It can be passed in a Postback URL, conversion/event pixel or Everflow JS SDK script. This must be collected in order to make the association on future conversions.

    Postback URL:

    Image or iFrame pixel:

    <iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width="1" height="1"></iframe>

    EF.Conversion script:

    <script type="text/javascript" 
    <script type="text/javascript">

Step #3

  • Upon collection of the email address in the initial conversion, Everflow will now make the association between that email address and the Partner who generated it. All future conversions containing that email address will now be applied to the originating Partner and the Email Attribution Event selected upon offer creation.

    Please note that the subsequent conversions must contain the email address and either the Offer ID ( oid= ) or Advertiser ID ( aid= ). Other parameters such as Adv1-5 values may also be added, but are not required.


    Please note that if the Advertiser ID ( aid= ) is used, the Email Attribution Method setting from the Advertiser will determine whether First Partner Attribution or Last Partner Attribution method is used.

    • You can set this by navigating to Advertisers - Manage and clicking the name of the Advertiser to edit. The Email Address Attribution functionality is located on the General tab.

Use Case Scenarios

Scenario #1 - Subscription Model

Using Email Address Attribution, you can easily pay your Partner for a recurring subscription or rebill event. Your base conversion should be the initial purchase and your tracking code should capture the email of the consumer upon purchase.

When your rebill event takes place, your subscription management technology will call a webhook with your nid=, the oid= or aid=, and the consumer email. The new conversion will automatically be attributed to the event ID designated as your subscription event (which will have been assigned as your Email Attribution Event during the setup process). In this example, the call would be made to:

Allowing duplicate event conversions, this call will continuously attribute a $15 CPA to the Partner who generated the initial conversion.

Scenario #2 - Attributing partial commissions on residual purchases

Once your Partner has generated a consumer for you, you may wish to commission that Partner on future purchases made by the end consumer.

  • To do this, you can create a custom payout setting. Using an incoming Adv1 - 5 parameter, you will pass an identifier that signals to Everflow that the conversion is coming from a repeat customer. e.g. Adv1=repeat, or (if your checkout partner keeps track of the number of purchases made by a consumer) Adv1={a purchase ID > 1} .

In this example, when your conversion script registers the value "repeat" in Adv1, and the email address is passed to the tracking script, the originating Partner will receive 3% commission on the sale. This does not require your Partner supply a new tracking link or coupon code to the consumer; this will work when the consumer comes back organically, or via re-marketing. While the initial conversion commission may be a one time 70%, the Partner who generated the original sale will now receive 3% of this subsequent $99.99 purchase.

<script type="text/javascript" 
<script type="text/javascript">
aid: 3,
amount: 99.99,
adv1: "repeat",

Adding Clicks and Email Addresses via CSV Import

If you have an existing offer/affiliate/email mapping in your CRM, you may use this process listed below.

  • If you would like to upload a list of email addresses to be associated with a particular Offer and Partner on future conversions, then you need to import a CSV file using the format below.

    Please note that the Offer must have Email Attribution enabled prior to importing the CSV file. Using this method will upload a Click for each entry.

    Note: unix_timestamp must contain a valid timestamp unless the email address is already attributed to a partner.

    offer_id, affiliate_id, email, unix_timestamp

  • To import the file, navigate to Reporting - Conversion Imports and click [+ Conversion].

    [CSV Upload Template] - Please note that the template is in spreadsheet form - be sure to save a single tab in .csv format before uploading.

Postback Reversal by Email Address

Using a Reversal Postback, you may automatically reverse transactions associated with an email address. For detailed instructions - [Click Here]

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