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Thinkific Integration

How to track your online course and membership site activity from Thinkific in Everflow

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over a week ago

Thinkific is a 3rd party platform designed for online courses and membership sites. This guide explains how to track your activity with Thinkific in Everflow.

Step #1

  • First, set up an Offer in Everflow. For a detailed guide on how to set up an Offer - [Click Here]

When creating this Offer, be sure to:

  • enter the same Base Destination URL as the page which is used in Thinkific,

  • turn on Direct Linking in the Tracking & Control section, and

  • select any conversion method except Server Postback.

If applicable, set up any associated Events such as Leads or Signups in the Revenue & Payout section.

  • Once the Offer is created, scroll down to the Everflow JS SDK card and copy the Click Script.

Step #2

  • Log into Thinkific. Navigate to Settings, then click the Code & analytics tab.

  • Paste the Everflow JS SDK Click Script into the Site footer code box.
    (Please note that the Site Footer Code isn't available in the "Free" plan)

  • Scroll down to the section: How to track conversions. Choose which supported variables you want to pass into Everflow for tracking.

Step #3

  • Go back to your Offer in Everflow. On the Everflow JS SDK card, click the Conversion tab to generate the Conversion Script.

  • Be sure the Base Conversion is selected. Prepare the script by pasting the Thinkific macros into corresponding parameters, then copy the script.

  • Go back to Thinkific and paste the Conversion Script into the Order tracking code box.

Step #4

  • Go back to your Offer in Everflow. On the Everflow JS SDK card, select the Lead Event.

  • Delete any unnecessary macros, then copy the script.

  • Go back to Thinkific and paste that Conversion Script into the Signup tracking code box.

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