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Documents and DocuSign

Store and share documents with your Partners and Advertisers, and use your DocuSign account for seamless execution within the portal.

Irina Sergushina avatar
Written by Irina Sergushina
Updated over a year ago


The Documents section allows you to post documents for specified Partners or Advertisers to view or download. You might find this to be a useful space for storing contracts, IOs or other relevant resources. Furthermore, the DocuSign integration allows for electronic signatures and contract execution with Partners and Advertisers.

Adding a Document

  • Navigate to Control Center - Documents > + Document

  • or, from an Advertiser or Partner view (Advertisers or Partners - Manage > click on name of Partner or Advertiser), find the Documents tab and click + Document.

Using DocuSign with a Document

**Please note that you must have a DocuSign account in order to require signature, and that the integration must be enabled first at Integrations > E-Signature.

  • If you want to use your DocuSign integration to require an electronic signature by your Partner(s) or Advertiser(s), switch to Required Signature.

  • The Advertiser or Partner User will be sent an email with a URL to follow for signature.

  • The document will also appear in the Partner's or Advertiser's portal, as shown below. Simply navigate to Company Settings - Documents. My Account and allows for signature by clicking on the three dots on the right side.

  • Use the E-Signature Status column in the Documents tab to see the current stage of execution via DocuSign: Sent, Delivered, or Completed.

    Sent: The email notification has been sent to at least one recipient. The envelope remains in this state until all recipients have viewed the documents

    Delivered: All recipients have viewed the documents

    Completed: All necessary actions are complete

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