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Search raw data within the Portal in order to investigate clicks or conversions with specific values.

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over a week ago

How To Use Investigator:

  • Navigate to Investigator in the Everflow dashboard. Please note that previous investigations appear as a list on this page.

  • Click on "+ New Investigation" button.

  • Select the Date Range and Target that you would like to investigate. Any of the following data points can be chosen as the Target:
    Order ID
    Source ID
    Transaction ID
    User IP
    {sub1>SHA1} - If selected, this will un-hash the value from sub1 using SHA1
    {source_id>SHA1} - If selected, this will un-hash the value from sub1 using SHA1.

  • Enter the value(s) you want to search for under Suspects.

  • You may search for multiple values by adding one to each line as shown below

  • You may also narrow down the investigation by filtering for specific Offers and/or Partners.

  • Click Report to review your results.

  • If there are many results, then you will need to download a CSV file to view the full report.

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