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Integrations: 24metrics

Enabling the 24metrics integration and the offer-level trackers to help prevent fraudulent conversions

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Updated [April, 2024] - Please review changes to our Updated 24metrics Integration.

💡Choose Your Setup: Read Before Integrating💡

Your integration options depend on your current 24metrics setup.

We recommend upgrading to AdSecurity as it's free and provides enhanced protection capabilities.

*AdSecurity (V2) is the newest version working on both click and CV level, while Fraudshield+Clickshield (V1) is the legacy version working on CV level by default with optional click protection.


Everflow's integration with 24metrics allows you to monitor the quality of incoming clicks and conversions from your campaigns. This article will guide you through setting up the 24metrics integration within Everflow, enabling it at different levels (Offer, Partner, and Advertiser), and applying rules on the Everflow UI.

Based on your configuration within 24metrics, any traffic that does not meet your quality standards will be flagged as invalid or rejected within Everflow.

For more information about 24metrics - [Click Here]

Watch our webinar on the recent update below:

Fraudshield VS AdSecurity

Important To Know:

24metrics offers two fraud detection systems:
Fraudshield (the legacy system) and AdSecurity (the new system).

The new version of the Everflow 24metrics integration only works with AdSecurity.

When enabling or upgrading the 24metrics integration in Everflow, you'll need to provide the Integration ID. This concept exists only on AdSecurity, so Fraudshield users won't be able to find it. We also validate the provided Integration ID, so you won't be able to enable or upgrade unless you're an actual AdSecurity user.


For Fraudshield Users

If you're a Fraudshield user and wonder where to find the Integration ID or why the integration isn't working, you'll need to contact 24metrics to upgrade to AdSecurity first. Use the following email:

Finding the Integration ID for AdSecurity Users

For AdSecurity users, the Integration ID can be found in the Integrations section of your 24metrics dashboard.

How to Enable Your 24metrics Integration (V1 Set-Up)

This setup only applies to the v1 of 24metrics integration. To apply the newest version (v2), please review our Updated 24metrics Integration.

  • Navigate to Integrations. On the Fraud Detection tab, Add 24metrics, enter your Reporting API Token and User ID, and then enter any trackers that you have already defined in 24metrics.

Enabling 24metrics Trackers

  • When adding or editing an Offer, you will notice a new drop-down menu for 24metrics Tracker on the Attribution tab, allowing you to select which tracker to enforce at the Offer level.

  • Once the offer is saved, you can view the configurations on the Attribution card.

Updating 24metrics Integration (V2)

Upgrade Available: Real-Time Conversion Rejection Syncing and Other Enhanced Features

The upgraded 24metrics integration offers several enhanced features to give you more control over your conversions. With this upgrade, you can now set rules directly within the integration, rather than having to configure them at the Offer level.

The update includes:

  • Compliance with 24Metrics v2: Everflow now supports the latest version of the 24Metrics platform, ensuring seamless integration and compatibility.

  • Flexible Enablement: The 24metrics integration can now be enabled at the Partner and Advertiser levels, in addition to the Offer level, providing more granular control over your traffic quality monitoring.

  • Real-time Rejection: Clicks and conversions that do not meet your quality standards will be rejected in real-time, without any pending period, allowing you to take immediate action.

  • Rule Management: You can now add, modify, and change the status of rules within the Everflow UI, giving you greater control over the traffic filtering process.

Here's how to get started with the upgraded 24metrics integration:

  1. Export Your Offers List for Reference: Before upgrading, export your current Offers list for reference. This list will be removed after the upgrade process is complete. You can export the Offers list using the offer table action menu. Click "Export (CSV)"

  2. Create Your First Rule: After exporting your Offers, you can begin setting up your first rule. Click +Rule on the "Rule" box below to create your first rule.

    Complete the following obligatory fields:

    1. Rule Name

    2. Status

    3. Fraud Protection Level

    4. Sub ID Mapping

    Click "Add" when done.

  3. Complete the Upgrade: Once you have created your first rule, you can then click the "Complete Upgrade" button in this banner to finalize the integration upgrade.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly transition to the upgraded 24metrics integration and start leveraging its enhanced features, including real-time conversion rejection syncing.

Configuring Rules

With the new update, configuring rules within the Everflow platform is now available.

Fraud Protection Level

24metrics can be applied on Click, Conversion, or a combination of both. Select your

preference here.

  • When Conversion is selected, both Base and Event Conversion data will be passed.

Ignore Results

Checking this box will allow 24 metrics flagged clicks and conversions to still redirect.

Sub ID Mapping

Select the parameter that you'd like to pass as sub_id in 24metrics here.

Offer Selection

Enable the toggle to apply 24metrics on specific Offers or Advertisers only. To apply all, please disable this toggle.

Partner Selection

Partner selection is also available with the new update in combination with Offers/Advertisers or alone. You can also exclude specific Partners here if desired.

Enable the toggle and select the Partners to apply 24metrics integration to a specific set of Partners. To apply all, disable.

Understanding Reporting

24metrics flagged clicks and conversions can be identified in the click and conversion reports respectively.


Clicks that are blocked by 24metrics will have the following Error Code and Message:

"1021 : 24metrics fraud check"


24metrics filtered conversions will have invalid status with the following message under the Error Message column:

"24metrics flagged the conversion as fraudulent"

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