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Advertiser's Guide to Everflow’s Portal
Advertiser's Guide to Everflow’s Portal

Walkthrough of the platform experience when your brand logs into their platform access.

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over a year ago


This article will walk you through the different features of the Everflow Advertiser Portal.

Table of Contents

Sidebar Options

In the Sidebar (found along the left side of your portal,) you will find three icons to use in order to navigate through the platform.

  • Menu Icon: Click the 3 horizontal lines to display the menu, and anywhere outside the menu to make it disappear again.

    • Pins: Hover over any menu item and click the pin icon on the right of the menu item to pin it to the sidebar. This allows for quicker access to the most used portal sections.

  • Expand/Collapse: Click the |> or <| icon on the bottom left to expand and collapse the menu "permanently".

  • My Account: Click the human icon above the Expand/Collapse icon to access portal controls and preferences.

    • My Account screen allows you to edit contact information, setting preferences, and change email & password.

    • Notification Preferences screen allows you to enable or disable in/app or email notifications.

    • Logout allows you to logout of your portal.


The Dashboard is where the Portal opens by default. In the Dashboard you can see a current performance overview for active offers with a high-level snapshot using metric cards like Cost, Clicks, Conversions, CVR, Events, and EVR.

Please note some Dashboards may have more or less cards depending on the customization your traffic buyer chooses.

  • To return to the Dashboard, click the menu button in the sidebar, then select Dashboard.


  • Navigate to Offers - Manage by clicking the menu icon in the sidebar. Then, click Offers. In the Offers - Manage screen, click the name of an Offer in order to view the following details:

    • General: This includes Category, Creation Date, Status, Name & Offer ID plus more.

    • Stats: Simplified Reporting on the specific offer in which you are viewing the details of. You can customize the time frame, or choose to click on view report to see additional metrics.

    • Cost: The type and amount of payout you have agreed on with your traffic buyer.

    • Tracking & Controls: The Offer management of your Traffic Buyer from budget to sub buyers.

    • Targeting: Whitelist or Blacklist of any type of targeting required of the traffic your Traffic Buyer is sending to your Offer, from Country to Device Brand to IP.

    • URLs: Secondary landing pages that your traffic buyer has access too.

    • Creatives: Creatives can be anything from an image, HTML, Text or a Link. It's typically the image/wording that you would like your Traffic Buyer to use.

  • Going back to the Offers - Manage screen, use the search field (identified by a magnifying glass icon) to quickly find an Offer. Simply type the name of an Offer or the Offer ID.

  • By default, only active offers will be displayed.

    • To filter on all or specific status types, use the pull-down menu that says "Active" above the offer table.

  • Apply filters to narrow down the display by clicking the funnel icon. Click Expand Table Filters to have an overall view of all filters selected on the Offer Table. You can filter by the following:

    • Category

    • Country

    • Platform

    • Revenue Type

  • Customize the offer table by adding or removing columns. You can do this by clicking the three vertical dots above the offer table to select Column Customization and toggle on or off the columns.

  • Additionally, you may click the vertical dots on the far right inside the offer table to access pre-filtered reporting and functions. The reports, when selected from this menu, will display with the Offer of the row already setup as a filter:

    • Offer Report

    • Conversion Report

    • Copy Destination URL: This will copy the link that is being used to send end users to your landing page or website.

Pro Tip: You can see the specific API call to use, including all of the filters and columns added to the offer table by clicking the vertical dots on top of the Offer Table, then select Show API Request.


Under Reporting, there are multiple options for specific types of reports and how to manage them.

All reports have the following options in common and display top-level data:

  • Navigate to the top right of the screen in order to change the report settings:

    • Timezone

    • Currency

    • By clicking the vertical dots, you will be shown the following options:

      • Save: Save the report in order to use it as a template.

      • Load: Load a previously saved template. If you have more than one template saved, you will be prompted to select the saved report to load.

      • Schedule Report: Similar to the Save option with the added ability to select the Frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) and Hour at which you would like the report emailed to you.

      • Copy Link to Report: This will copy the URL of the report, including all of the columns, filters and settings, to your clipboard.

      • Show API Request: View the specific API call to use, including all of the filters, columns and settings.

    • Time Frame: Select the timeframe in which you would like to run the report. By default the timeframe is set to the present date.

    • Add Filter: Filters allows you to narrow down the report by selecting one or multiple offers. If you select Expand Table Filters, you will be able to view all filters selected on the left side of your screen.

    • Time Zone

    • Currency

To export a report, click the vertical dots above the table and select Export, then select from the available options (CSV or JSON).

Available Reports:

Offer Report (shown above): A top-level view of traffic generated per offer. Use the Filters to narrow down the offers included in the report. To drill down further, click the offer name to add columns and customize metrics.

Daily Report (shown below): A top-level view of traffic generated per day. Use the Filters to narrow down the offers included in the report. To drill down further, click the date to add columns and customize metrics.

Click Report (shown below): A line-item view of each click generated.

Conversion Report (shown below): A line-item view of each conversion and event generated. Be sure to add the Event Name column to distinguish conversions and events, as well as any other relevant columns. Click the vertical dots on any conversion or event to get more details.


Flex: Similar to a pivot table, the Flex report allows you to choose which columns to include in a report and the order in which they are displayed.

Dynamic Nested: Examine how two layers of data relate to each other in one nested view.

Company Settings

My Account

General - Update information about yourself/company. This is also where you can update your timezone, currency and password.

Notifications - Customize your notification settings here.


  • Navigate to the menu icon. Then, select Company Settings > Invoices. Invoices is where you will find paid and unpaid Invoices from your traffic buyer. Please note that not every advertiser portal will display an invoice menu.

  • In the Invoices - Manage screen, click an invoice to view the following details:

    • General: This includes Status, Creation Date & Currency, and more.

    • Details: In the details card each row represents an Offer that is included in the Invoice.

  • Going back to the Invoices - Manage, use the search field (identified by a magnifying glass icon) to quickly find an invoice using an ID.

  • By default, Invoices - Manage will show Unpaid invoices in the Invoice Table.

    • To filter on all or specific status types, go to the pull-down that says "Unpaid" above the Invoice Table.

  • Apply filters to narrow down the display using the funnel icon. Click Expand Table Filters to have an overall view of all filters selected on the invoice table. You can filter on the following:

    • Min. Balance

    • Max. Balance

  • Customize the invoice table by adding or removing columns. Simply click the vertical dots above the invoice table, then select Column Customization and use the toggles to turn each column on or off.

  • Additionally, you may click the vertical dots on the far right of each row inside the table to export the invoice.

Pro Tip: You can see the specific API call to use, including all of the filters and columns added to the offer table by clicking the vertical dots on top of the Offer Table, then select Show API Request.


You will find an overview of all documents posted by the network here for your reference. Please note that not all networks use the Documents section.


You can view your billing settings here.

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