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Store information about Deals for your eCommerce products that can be easily accessed by Partners and Affiliates

Genny avatar
Written by Genny
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents


This feature is for networks and brands to store information about "deals", which are particularly useful for eCommerce clients. Deals are discounts available by store, category, product, etc. for your partners to promote. Using this feature allows affiliates to access this deal information via API.

How To Create A Deal

Navigate to Advertisers - Manage and click on the Advertiser for which you would like to add or manage a Deal. Then, click the Deals tab.

Click [ + Deal ] or click the vertical dots at the end of a row for to edit an existing Deal.

1. General

Now, you can fill in all the details for your Deal:

  • Give your Deal a name

  • Select the status

  • Select your Deal Type from the dropdown

  • Select the Scope (where/how the Deal is being featured)

  • Specify the date/time window for your Deal to be in effect

  • Add a description

  • List restrictions

  • Choose a category

Click Next.

2. Targeting

Offer Selection

Choose which of the Advertiser's Offers you want included in the Deal.

Partner Selection

Use the toggle to Apply to specific Partner(s), if desired.

Click Next.

3. Locations

Click [ + Location ] to add details about the Deal's location, then click Add.

Click Next.

4. Coupon Code

Use the toggles to add a Coupon Code, Threshold, and/or Purchase Limit.

Coupon Code

If the Advertiser has assigned a specific coupon code to this deal, add it here. Can be based on amount or percentage.

Using this toggle would indicate that the discount is not storewide and the coupon code must be entered in order to receive the discount.

For example: "Summer20" for 20% off your order


If there is a minimum amount that the cart total must reach in order to apply the associated coupon code, add it here. Can be based on amount or quantity.

Purchase Limit

If there is a limit on how much could be purchased using the associated coupon, add it here. Can be based on amount or quantity.

Threshold and Purchase Limit can be based on amount or quantity. Simply select between tabs and fill in the details.

Click Next.

5. Products

Click [ + Product ] to add a Deal Product, then fill out the details and click Add.

You may add as many products as you would like to.

Click Next.

6. Resources

Use the toggles to apply additional resources or creative assets to your deal, including images, thumbnails and HTML.

Click Add.

Finally, your Deal is added and displayed in full.

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