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On Hold Conversions

A comprehensive guide to setting up and managing on hold conversions, including visibility controls in Partner UI and best practices.

Dasha Shareyko avatar
Written by Dasha Shareyko
Updated over a month ago


On Hold Conversions is a powerful feature that enables networks to fire conversions with a preset timer, determining when the conversion becomes realized. This mechanism ensures conversions are created and become payable at the right time while providing visibility on future conversions.

  • Ideal for e-commerce businesses with return policies

  • Prevents premature approval of conversions before the return policy period ends

  • Offers flexibility in managing conversion timelines

Step-by-Step Guide to On Hold Conversions

Navigating to On Hold Conversions

  1. Log into your Everflow account

  2. Navigate to the Advertisers section in the main menu

  3. Click on Postback Controls

  4. Click the + Add button to create a new Postback Control

Setting Up On Hold Conversions

  1. In the General tab of the Postback Control setup:

    a. Provide a name for your Postback Control

    b. Set the status (Active/Inactive)

    c. Choose the effective period (Always or Set Specific Date)

    d. Under "Control Type", select "On Hold"

  2. Once "On Hold" is selected, a new menu will appear

  3. In this menu, set the holding period for conversions:

    • Choose the time unit: Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, or Weeks

    • Enter the desired number for the chosen time unit

    • The holding period can range from as little as few seconds to several months or years

Understanding Conversion Lifecycle

When using On Hold Conversions, you may encounter the following statuses:

  1. On Hold: The conversion is within the specified holding period and is awaiting creation.

  2. Approved: After the holding period, if the conversion meets all criteria, it will be created as an approved conversion.

  3. Rejected: On Hold Conversions can only be manually rejected, typically when a customer returns a product. On Hold Conversions Conversions are not automatically rejected after the holding period - they're automatically approved if no action is taken.


To understand how throttle functionality works with on-hold conversions (if enabled), please contact Customer Success. They can provide detailed information and guidance specific to your account setup.

Configuring Rules

This setup allows a Rule to be put in place, in case there are other criteria of which On Hold conversions should apply.

For instance, you may wish to apply to On Hold Conversions only to those that have more than $0 of the sale amount.

If On Hold Conversions should apply to all incoming conversions, you may set up a Rule that will never be observed.

Accessing On Hold Conversions

Network UI


The On Hold report will only appear in the UI when at least one conversion has been configured with "On Hold" status in your postback controls. This ensures you only see relevant reporting data based on your conversion tracking setup.

Network administrators can access On Hold Conversions in the Reporting section of the Everflow platform. Here's what you'll see:

  1. Navigate to the Reporting section in the main menu

  2. Select "On Hold" from the reporting options

The On Hold report provides a comprehensive view of all conversions currently on hold, approved, or rejected. Key features include:

  • Date range selector for filtering conversions

  • Summary section showing total conversions, approved, rejected, and currently on hold

  • Detailed report with columns for:

    • On Hold Conversion ID

    • On Hold Conversion Status

    • On Hold Period End

    • Date

    • Click Date

    • Delta (time difference)

    • Offer

    • Partner

    • Revenue

    • Conversion IP

    • Session IP

    • Transaction ID

Network administrators can perform actions such as viewing conversion details, history, click details, offer information, advertiser details, and partner information. They can also approve or reject conversions directly from this interface.

Partner UI

Do you have partners who want to see On Hold Conversion to optimize their performance and better estimate their success?

Partners can access On Hold Conversions in their Partner UI, depending on the visibility settings configured by the network. Here's what partners will see:

  1. Navigate to the Reporting section in the Partner Portal

  2. Select "On Hold" from the reporting options

The Partner view of On Hold Conversions includes:

  • Date range selector for filtering conversions

  • Summary section showing total conversions, approved, rejected, and currently on hold

  • Detailed report with columns for:

    • On Hold Conversion ID

    • On Hold Conversion Status

    • On Hold Period End

    • Date

    • Click Date

    • Delta (time difference)

    • Offer

    • Revenue

    • Conversion IP

    • Session IP

    • Transaction ID

Partners can view conversion details but cannot approve or reject conversions. The level of detail visible to partners depends on the Partner Visibility Control settings configured by the network.

Partner Visibility Control

Partner Visibility Control allows you to manage how On Hold Conversions appear to your partners in their Partner Portal. This feature provides flexibility in sharing conversion information with your partners.

Accessing Partner Visibility Control

  1. Navigate to Control Center in the main menu

  2. Click on Platform Configurations

  3. Select Global

  4. Click Edit Global

  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find "On Hold Partner Visibility"

Setting Partner Visibility

Choose from three visibility options:

  1. Invisible: Partners cannot see On Hold conversions at all.

  2. Restricted: Partners can see approved conversions and On Hold conversions, but not rejected ones.

  3. Visible: Partners have full access to view all On Hold conversions, regardless of status.

Best Practices for Partner Visibility

  • Consider your business relationship with partners when setting visibility.

  • Communicate clearly with partners about your On Hold Conversion policy and visibility settings.

  • Review and adjust visibility settings based on your business needs.

Best Practices for On Hold Conversions

  • Align the On Hold period with your return policy timeframe for e-commerce businesses.

  • Regularly review and adjust settings based on business needs and conversion patterns.

  • Use in conjunction with other Postback Control rules for comprehensive conversion management.

  • Monitor the impact of On Hold Conversions on your cash flow and partner relationships.


Remember, On Hold Conversions are not a new status but a mechanism to manage conversion timing effectively. By using this feature in combination with Partner Visibility Control, you can create a transparent and efficient system for managing conversions with your partners.

Watch our webinar to learn more:

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